Reviews for The Prancing Stag (ASOIAF SI)
lacedscorpion chapter 41 . 2/5
THE WAY YOU UPDATED ON ALT HISTORY BUT NOT HERE IS CRIMINAL! i wont hold it to you bc i luv you tho
lacedscorpion chapter 39 . 2/5
lacedscorpion chapter 37 . 2/5
the book is still not out /3
Won chapter 8 . 9/2/2024
Damn so funny!
Borg Colective chapter 20 . 7/19/2024
So,is Jon gay or bi in this fic

Because even renly in your fic acknowledged of him sleeping with women
The Black Cat 1843 chapter 41 . 6/4/2024
the only one original username chapter 32 . 5/26/2024
Military disasters like this are for me very fun to read.

Also Brax is anime :D
the only one original username chapter 29 . 5/24/2024
Love this chapter's part about Robb
the only one original username chapter 23 . 5/17/2024
Damn, calling female knights and tomboys transgender is such peak politics cringe that I didn't expect it LOL

Otherwise cool idea to have both Kingsguard and that concept of Rainbowguard.
the only one original username chapter 22 . 5/17/2024
Nice fic!

Had only one major cringe point about the narrow escape from Red Keep with SI's guardsmen. Otherwise good. Political stuff and what seems to be virtue signalling are often in fics. Erotic stuff cringe if based on fantasypolitics, based if based on personal experience.
sarah-rose76646 chapter 39 . 4/30/2024
About the red flags on a guy you're dating... Been there, done that and heard the "I told you so" as well.
It's all in the past. I'm now happily married for over a year now and couldn't have picked up a better husband (or been goaded into getting married just shy on 7 months in the relationship by said best friend)... All in all, not everyone would be true to your face, so observe and pick apart anything that causes you concern. Don't hold back in the fear that you'll spook them. If they're that easily spooked, you're better off without them.
Preferably with a more handsome, taller, smarter guy with a bigger dik

Happy Hunting,
sarah-rose76646 chapter 34 . 4/30/2024
WTF! Is that for real? A homophobic attack on the train? Are people still that homophobic in today's world? I mean, I understand some people would drag their heels and prejudices take time to get removed, but still... Just like being openly discriminating against the Blacks is a human rights violation, so is being openly homophobic and harrassing them for it.
Make a video if someone does that to you and threaten to make it live/viral so everyone knows their faces and then they're the ones who have to hide and face discrimination. Let's see how they like the taste of their own medicine.
My word! I am so outraged, just thinking about it happening to someone I know.
You poor dear. I'm so sooo sorry you had to go through that at all.
I hope your confidence goes back to where it should be and if you need any help, open discussions or forums are available. And I personally offer any help, as and when required.
Damn those cretins.

You take care, okay? And don't worry, for every one of those moronic haters, you've got a hundred good people who don't care if you're gay or straight or bi or love yourself... just as long as you're a decent human being, that's all anyone can ask for really.

Sorry, I skipped the chapter and scrolled down for review so can't share anything about this chapter. Till last chapter, it has been a wonderful read and I would keep on reading as long as you keep posting. So cheers!

federermod chapter 18 . 4/22/2024
Why did Renly cut things so close? It's a very exciting chapter but it feels like it only happened because Renly decided to take dumb chances.
Hman10110 chapter 36 . 3/28/2024
Omg please please keep it going this is the best game of thrones fanfiction I have every read
archicane chapter 40 . 2/22/2024
Depends on the type of horse archer. Are these a. Mounted archers that ride to battle, dismount, and form up as archers? Or b. Horse archer that fires while mounted?

For a. it would be a cost benefit of deployment. Archers can move faster with a mounted knight while leaving foot soldiers behind, but the mounting and unmounting would be a delay to a rapid strike group. Plus the horses would need to be guarded farther in the rear.

For b. there is a lot to learn for mounted archery. The bow requires two hands to fire, which leaves the steering of the horses to using legs or shift in weight. Harder for Bran. The horses could be trained to follow a leader and to stay in a herd, relieving the mounted archers of some horsemanship skill level required allowing faster training of a regiment. Fireing while mounted is also a challenge. The Mongols fired only when all four of the horses hooves were off the ground. Something that requires expert timing and horsemanship AND someone to think to time the shots just so. Arrow holstering can also be an issue, the movement of a horse is different to that of a foot archer. You don't want the arrows bouncing out while you ride. The size of the bow is also a factor. English longbows would never work while mounted. Short bows would limit the range of the horse archer and the penetrating power of the shots. Too weak a bow and it won't pierce armor and be less than useless in battle. Against unarmored enemies like the wildlings or undead they would work great with a light bow, but against Lanister armor, you will need a heavy draw strength or chisel tip arrows heads or both. Crossbows can work, but the reloading speed drops significantly. Recurve bows can add power, but that sounds like a new technology. Could be gift Renly sends, but that would need Bran to tell him he is trying to mount archers on horses and note the problems of horse archery. Mixed weapons with a bow and some close combat weapon may be needed. If the horse archers get caught in close combat, they could be wiped out if they only have bow training. There is also the cost. Mongolian horse archers would have two bows, extra strings and 3 reserve horses to rotate out when the first mount tired. There is also the question of cost of arrows. Some of the great horse archer armies could fire a shot every 10 seconds. Hundreds of arrows could be fired by each archer in a battle. Recovering the arrow is an option but much like Russia and Ukraine are realizing right now, ammunition can run out quickly in a prolonged war. Another factor is the horses themselves. Heavy war horses aren't required as size is not the factor. Light armored horse archers could ride without armoring their horses, aiming for speed and maneuverability as their main focus. Most importantly is the battle tactics employed and with what units. Until they actually battle test a strategy, they may not know the challenges they will face with whatever deployment of forces they use. The great horse archers of the Sasanids the horse circles of the Mongolians and later the plains tribes in the Americas took time to perfect and lots of lives spent in the process. The power of these forces in open field once perfected is intense. A circle of ever firing fast moving horses that attack and retreat at the same time while always protecting their flank and rear, able to rapidly avoid any counter attack be it ranged or close combat. The Parthian shot should be a goal to introduce to really make the wolfs teeth effective. Combine this with feigned retreats and whole enemy cavalry units of heavy horse could be wiped out. There is a reason the Mongols conquered the largest territory in human history. If you have the time and patience, check out Hardcore History podcast of Dan Carlin. He covers the Mongols in a multi part podcast.
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