Reviews for What Are You Doing Here?
iHaz chapter 17 . 2/13
Who TALKS that freaking LONG? Smh. Breakdown your dialogues mate, it's a big turn off. Excellent writing otherwise!
popularitydies chapter 42 . 2/10
i beg keep writing this
pincho chapter 42 . 2/9
Well while a well written recap of canon the way it should have been, it's abandonment was not unexpected.
pincho chapter 29 . 2/9
I'm sorry but Hermione gave up way to easily for the characterization she has been given. This Hermione would have forced the issue, as well as have researched how to detect love potions.
HoneyBear84 chapter 42 . 1/18
Love it
Guest chapter 42 . 12/19/2024
If you lost interest in this Work you should have dealt with the Horcruxes immediately. Diary was at the Malfoy's the whole time. Kreature had the Locket. Bellatrix's vault held the cup. The resurrection stone was in the Gaunt Shack. The Diadem was in ROR. Harry has the cursed scar
Bob Ganga chapter 42 . 12/9/2024
Just how do you justify marking this story " Complete " , You left it dangling with no closure and no continuing second story . very disappointed .
MzMalfoy chapter 8 . 12/2/2024
All right Roger the Shrubber, I see you.
dixonjason403 chapter 37 . 11/25/2024
see its THIS , and stuff like this, that i love reading fanfics for. its so much better than plagiarizing canon.
dixonjason403 chapter 34 . 11/25/2024
stop copying cann. stop copying canon. for fucks sake, STOP COPYING CANON.
dixonjason403 chapter 29 . 11/25/2024
and hermione just...went along with that retardation with zero hesitation? fuckin WHY?
dixonjason403 chapter 24 . 11/25/2024
i dont need them to LEAVE hogwarts or anything, i dont even need the end result of the canon events to change. what i WANT , is for the story to not copy the canon events 100%. im fine with ol' voldy getting revived, but id have preferred it happen differently, maybe let cedric live somehow or have harry put up more of a fight.
dixonjason403 chapter 22 . 11/25/2024
annnnd im done. the story is officially shit tier. if you cant do anything besides blindly copy canon you shouldnt write a fanfic. disappointing garbage.
dixonjason403 chapter 19 . 11/25/2024
so are we gonna go through the same ol' song and dance of dead cedric, reborn moldyshorts, sadge harry as canon? not to knock on the classics, but i dont see the point of the story copying canon EXACTLY like that, ya know?
dixonjason403 chapter 17 . 11/25/2024
so...whats the point of the story now? like theyre a cute couple for sure, but the story is just copying canon with no deviations besides ron still being an asshole (tho i DO like that deviation, fuck ronald)
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