Reviews for In The Cut |
![]() ![]() ![]() ffn production office :smirk: a very smart way to frame the pregames! obviously you have a lot of worldbuilding to set up here and I think Simon was a really smart idea, in that the sections in which he appears set things up super nicely for the chapters to come. (I know we get another pov of his in a bit I don't think I've read that chapter yet but I could be wrong what is time) So yeah, Simon, they're definitely coerced into the waivers. Which makes sense! There's no way they'd sign them if they knew what was really in them. I think this was a great chapter to show off all of the different tactics they could use to persuade the competitors to sign the waivers. Poor emile seemed so scared :plead: I feel bad for the kid; knowing your girlfriend framed you and having to deal with that realization sounds really, really hard. Bear is going to hurt. so bad. he is just such a sad confused boy who grew up away from everything and this is his first exposure to the rest of the world? and dear god his teddy bear ;-; that hit me hard I'm also a teddy person so yeah I can see being sad that you don't have it. And then Vanessa, where we got to see a technique as it actually worked! Man these voices are creepy. And they really get the kids where it hits hard too. I remember being very :eyes: at the hand things and obviously we know some of what they do now but man I would not want to be in any of these kids' shoes. it does not look fun |
![]() ![]() ![]() ok i have a few reviews to get to for you so let's see if we can knock these out! you know I read this all a while ago but getting time to review can be easier said than done. I'm just gonna kinda stream of consciousness through them all so if they don't seem to really end that's why I like Remy! he definitely had quite a time in this lil bit ;-; losing your twin because of the actions of someone you thought you could trust? pain. so much pain. I'm still debating (maybe i just cant remember b/c i read this a while ago) whether Remy's motivations are like, fundamentally good or not, but I think they are because he just wants things to be good for his family :pleads: anyway I don't know how well he's going to do but I like him a lot and feel very bad for him b/c i think he's donezo. Of all the kids in this fic Nieve is one of the ones who feels the most real to me. Tangible, perceptible, like someone I could really expect to see. It's sad but it's the unfortunate reality of the world that kids like Nieve exist, and that foster parents like the ones she's had exist too. I wish I could give her hug but I don't think she would like that all that much. And then Moe. Holy shit. I think his crime might be the most intense out of all of them. i cannot imagine the mental toll that killing a child takes on you; like that's... so much. and now he highkey has to do it again :plead: poor Moe. this is not going to be fun for him at all is |
![]() ![]() ![]() FFN- I love seeing the backend of this show. How they created this whole world for people to see. It’s so interesting that they are building one-on-one relationships with these people. It shows that they actually want to make a good show. Whether that be good drama or bad. Ellie- this was such an interesting way to pull from her past and to look at where it lead her to. I can see that Ellie is a sweet soul deep down and was just roped into the wrong situation. This was something that I can see will probably play a lot with her character. It really shows that she is looking to secure a better future for herself through this reflection. Also this was a nice comic relief that she had a comedic moment with Emilie about Mac and Cheese it shows there age as well. Rylan- this is where we see that they are creating this type of family situation. That they are creating this safe space in this horrid place they’re in. That’s until we see that whole situation with Alexandra, Matthew and Bear. I can see that Alexandra is definitely going to be the troublemaker and maybe even the most dangerous one in the group. Which is something that we have to see and make up for the idea of that getting into the idea of making up for this moment. Giovanni- this was so heartbreaking and I see this as such a relateable topic for many teens. That they feel alone and blamed for something that they can’t change. It’s so surprising that this is even something that has to be brought up and the way that this had over came the situation that seems to have taken over. I feel for him greatly. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Alexandra- I see that she has a lot of confidence to herself. I would imagine that being in a jail would have dampened my confidence but it seems to have exploded in her. This shows that she is dangerous and I’m excited to see what happens. Matthew- this was definitely an intense way to set up a chapter. I know that Alexandra was hardened but I definitely didn’t expect her to be like this. I was shocked to see her in this way and I haven’t been able to see her in anything other then being so aggressive towards poor Bear. He only wants to keep his stuffed animal, she’s lucky that he feel instead of ripping her head off of her head. She is lucky that she didn’t have anything and happen to her like that. This is a great way for us to see Matthew and that all because he did something bad doesn’t mean he’s lost his morals. Ilya- I can definitely see the venom being spit at Ilya from Alex. I think they see her as a poser of fraud but she ended up in this same place for a reason. They shouldn’t doubt her she might be hiding a body or how powerful she really can be. I hope that she sees this doubt as a ideal that Ilya needs to have to survive and the potential to actually win and to be able to survive. |
![]() ![]() ![]() O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all of us command FFN - Production Office: the intrigue depends. It’s interesting to see what a journey Simon has gone on already, from how excited he was about his new job just a few chapters ago, to how he’s already become a sleepless wreck. Goes to show how The Cut isn’t everything it seems to be, eh? Love this little peek bts. Ellie: ok I see you miss empress. You asked me a few weeks ago if Emile can cook, and you seem to have asked Ali the same about Ellie. Sneaky. It’s good that you did though, because this interaction was everything. Ever since you told me these two would be brought together, I’ve been wondering what their dynamic would be like, and so far it’s just pure wholesome. I stan. I love. I want more of it. Can we have these two in every chapter? Top Two here we go. Okay I will calm my horses, but I just adore this so much. Rylan: I didn’t think much of him the first time around. He wasn’t a dislike, but he didn’t stand out to me either. This though… I’m so soft. The memories of him cooking with his mother, and how much that meant to him, and how much he misses her. I’m just… the pain. And then he and Emile took down that monster together was incredible. ALEX NEEDS TO DIE. I DON’T EVEN FEEL BAD SAYING IT ANYMORE BECAUSE SHE’S THE BIGGEST BITCH IN THE HISTORY OF BITCHES, I HATE HER SM! Giovanni: he’s as cute as he was the first time we saw him. I hate that he blames his sexuality as part of the reason everything turned out badly for him, because even if there’s truth to that being why others have mistreated him, it’s a part of him that’s not going anywhere. I hope he can come to embrace it someday, and love that about himself instead of seeing it like a curse. Ugh, this is sad. Anyway, interesting to see him paired with Vanessa. I wonder if maybe they’ll become ”allies?” An unexpected but fun duo, me thinks. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! |
![]() ![]() ![]() Okay, I was interrupted between reading and reviewing this but I'm back and ready to write about what I remember. I strongly dislike Alex but as a person, not as a character. As a character: fantastic, always need someone to *stir things up* and get everyone choosing sides. I knew I wasn't gonna love what she did but my heart BROKE when I realized she'd chosen Bear and then she TOOK HIS BEAR AND THEN MADE HIM GET ELECTROCUTED I FUCKING HATE HER. BEAR IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE YOU FUCKING BITCH I HOPE YOU DIE FOR THAT I HOPE HE REMEMBERS AND HE KILLS YOU. That is all. Thank you Matthew you are the only valid person here. #LetBearHaveFriendsAndAlsoBears anyway I am a real human being and therefore cannot step in and say "you are a bitch" but thank goodness someone was there to be me in this story so Matthew is my new favorite character. I also liked that we got to see some more of his inner monologue and about his ways of coping with life behind bars, especially how he used his size to his advantage even though he's not actually all that tough. Bet that will come in handy soon... And then Ilya...ngl I was surprised to see her join Alex and then I was surprised that I was surprised bc like...of course! One of her main things that she's talked about it being popular and how hard it was when all that was stripped away bc suddenly she was much lower on the pecking order and she's not used to not being in a position of privilege, so of course she flocks to the person best positioned to give it to her. Alex is having none of it tho... yikes, I don't know how long she's gonna let Ilya stick around. But I'm excited :D |
![]() ![]() ![]() Okay shorter review this time; I am loving these pre-Games so far, I'm really intrigued to see how they tell the kids what they're in for (one of my favorite scenes from TMDHTM) and to start seeing alliances form (as well as rivalries). Not too much to say about Logan's POV; I was confused at the beginning about how other cells could be open but no one was in the room but obviously that was cleared up pretty quickly when he got to the main area. Really small detail but I would b very interested to see like the order of ppl reaching the main room, like I bet Bear took *forever* and might've been one of the last ones, whereas Lior and Alexandra and I think Eden were some of the first. I bet Vanessa was in the first half. Like I said, not super important but I'd just be curious. Eden's was great, I really like her and Vanya's dynamic and even though it wasn't particularly surprising that she rejected her immediately, it was still fun to see. I imagine they will eventually reconcile or at least like have a conversation about the misunderstanding and everything that happened since they last saw each other, and I wonder what's going to happen to allow that conversation to take place, since right now Eden's not interested in a word she has to say. I loved the ending line of her POV. Fool me once... But my fave was Lior's! Not only because we have the intrigue of wtf just happened (seemed to me like he and Alexandra were shocked somehow? even though they don't seem to be like wearing anything like that that could easily shock them...idk) and bc things are heating up, but also just bc we love to see the characters starting to interact and like...yeah just things are happening and that's fun! I'm a little surprised that Moe was so easily recognizable but since he was, it's not at all surprising that he was immediately hated. And I really liked Lior's reaction of basically being like "who gave you the right to be all judgemental and high and mighty?" and smacking her. You already know I'm reading the next chapter right away to get some more of this sweet sweet ITC action. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Okay I keep talking about how I’m tired of intros and just want one of my stories to get to the pre-Games and here is a story that has done that! So I’m here to finally finish the intros and get caught up and meet everyone :D I’m so excited. OMFG Remy’s was so good. Gosh I love this story. Poor fucking Remy I’m so sad for him. Like sure it’s not good to rob ppl, and it wasn’t a great plan to begin with, but he just...he just wanted something better for his family and he thought he could trust the people he was working with. I really want to know more about Cal like wtf was up with that dude? How was he able to hide this part of himself so successfully that even his best friends were completely shocked that he could just kill someone? And how was he able to just...turn on his best friend and murder them in cold blood? Like that is some scary shit there. I’m glad that at least Remy was able to kill him but also that definitely made his sentence worse. Omg and his poor mom, lost Renauld and now she’s likely gonna lose Remy too ;-; he goes in Love, just such a great backstory and I really liked his voice/perspective. Okay so you basically said “that one was good but I can do better,” and gave us Nieve. Wow I simply adore her. I said on Discord she reminds me of someone and yeah she and Vanessa are so similar even though they have some pretty obvious differences as well. I feel so much for Nieve, she kinda never had a chance losing everything so young and never really being given the support system she needed to flourish and become “a productive member of society” or whatever. I know she’s a fictional character but lowkey this is exactly why it’s always been a dream of mine to be a foster parent. Children need safe places and adults that they can rely on and that will advocate for them when no one else will. Nieve shouldn’t have to get arrested because she feels more comfortable in jail than outside. Ugh I love her so much, she gets Stan. MOE omg wow these were all three heavy hitters. Moe and Remy are actually really similar in terms of backstory but with the crucial distinction of Remy killing sorta in self-defense/revenge while Moe killed...almost by accident? I didn’t get the sense that he was trying to kill, just scare, and certainly he didn’t expect it to be a young child. Ugh that hit me so hard when I realized how young she was, and that she *died* like holy shit that escalated so fast. And then to see his complete apathy about what happens to him, his utter self-loathing in the wake of the worst thing he’s ever done...heart-breaking. I wonder what his brother had to say about it/if anyone else was caught or if Moe was the only person blamed for all of this. I think Moe gets Like but could move up to Love pretty easily. Mine: Vanessa Stan: Bear, Emile, Nieve Love: Ellie, Matthew, Lior, Bronte, Giovanni, Remy Like: Alexandra, Vanya, Rylan, Eden, Ilya, Moe Neutral: Logan, Mara |
![]() ![]() ![]() yeah...alex is fitting the schoolyard bully role spectacularly! we love a cruel bitch! especially after she felt humiliated yesterday. not her trying to pick on wtf is she boutta do? MATT KING! ONE OF MY FAVES! YES STAND UP FOR BEAR! not alex baiting that poor kid into an electric shock...and ofc she took the stuffed animal...matt and bear potential allies me thinks? future showdown with alex...and potentially mara? hype. not ilya immediately trying to join the bitch club...makes complete sense. and these rules?! and now the prison is opening up to all the kiddos? giving me maze runner tease! i love this sm omg. |
![]() ![]() ![]() mr logan please be careful! the mood you manage to convey here...shivers! so freaky and cool yet spooky but also iconic...the talent popped off! and these cells? and the rec room? im so intrigued wow. EDEN MY BABY! i legitimately could not stop rereading this section over the first time. i have some self-restraint this time around but still. wow. EDEN BEING SO TORN UP ABOUT VANYA AND HER “BETRAYAL” UGH! perfection. the way she is preventing herself from showing any emotion on the outside. i can’t. AND THIS REUNION?! THE DRAMA. THE ANGST. THE MISUNDERSTANDING. AND EDEN REFUSING TO BE A PUPPET AGAIN. UGH. again, this was amazing queen. PLEASE MY FAVE LIOR SMACKING TF OUTTA ALEXANDRA?! IM?! AND THE SHOCKS?! THE OTHERS CIRCLING AROUND THEM?! so is hurting each other not allowed rn? again, this mystery is so juicy! |
![]() ![]() ![]() queen this was super trippy and i loved every single second of it. come on creepy voice, let emile about sabine in peace! ...oh gosh what is he willing to pay for freedom? I’LL BE BACK?! ermm now wtf! im so confused but i love the haunted/matrix kinda feel. someone please bear his teddy! i never thought i’d get over a stuffed animal, but here we are. miss vanessa being scared? never! this freaky voice is gonna give me nightmares. i knew vanessa was the type willing to play the games...but what the heck happened with her hands?! and why does she recognize this place?! i feel like my memory was wiped too. still living for your gorgeous writing and creative world building! |
![]() ![]() ![]() ok i finally have set aside the time to properly review! rereading this excellence shall be fun! remy holy shit king! losing his twin, especially watching him get killed by a person you trusted, will stay with him forever. heartbroken for this king. oh nieve poor bby. she was trying at least, but the addiction won over once again. and letting herself get caught? oof. and boy is she gonna be in for a rude awakening when she isn’t released. BRUH MOE! killing a child?! to impress your bro? THE GUILT?! WANTING TO DIE?! omg he’s ruined me. |
![]() ![]() ![]() K so I was gonna do the last intros and try to fully catch up but DT consumed my whole brain and I just rly wanted to see Vanessa so I’m going out of order since none of our most recent intros are in this chapter. I’m loving the Simon POVs, though we’ve only had two so far I think? Just super cool to see how much the people behind the scenes know and how they rationalize the morality of the show to themselves. And to see him starting to get suspicious, as he should. Why is Emile the best character? It’s unfair I love him so much. Also omg your prose is just so beautiful. “He put halos on people that had no right to grow wings.” wtf who gave you the right? That is an amazing sentence! And just wow the descriptions of how he finally felt free once he was imprisoned was just like v impactful and certainly paradoxical. I love him so much. Also wtf is going on here? I’m so freaked out, this would be terrifying to experience. K nevermind I changed my mind, Bear is the best. This broke my whole heart ;-; I love him. Bear and his Teddy. Ugh like something is clearly seriously wrong in Bear’s brain chemistry or behavioral tendencies but I don’t think that’s hugely surprising? I bet the producers are gonna love it though cause he’s drama potential which means ratings! Ugh I hate it. Also I hate Corey for putting him here wtaf dude. And it’s my girl! I loved this whole POV, it just felt like a very true reaction for her character. I loved the details and like almost analysis of her life before and during prison, esp the part about “Vanessa doesn’t know if she misses the feeling or despises it for how helpless it’s made her.” Like damn that was a good line, hit hard. And the part about how she’s never cared about consequences like...yes damn straight. She straight up never has, not even when the consequences in question were straight up prison...or worse. I imagine she will come to care much more for consequences in the coming chapters ;’) And her emotion and like...desperation when she says “Nothing” is so heart-breaking to me. But also that ending? Why does she know where she is? If it’s the same for everyone I gotta assume it has something to do with the prison but it would also be crazy if somehow she recognizes it from her own life before it. But I think it will be related to the justice system...or else maybe she has seen The Cut herself, maybe from before prison, and she recognizes it from that? |
![]() ![]() ![]() O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all of us command Alexandra: this bitch! Ugh, I hate her so much. I don’t care that she’s used to being the top dog and that she’s obsessed with pushing people around - someone should give her a dose of her own medicine. I high-key hope that this is foreshadowing, and that this interaction means that Bear will hurt her at some point in the arena. Also, not good at maths? No joke. She obviously has little to no brain capacity if she thinks that making everyone her enemy will get her anywhere. I feel bad for disliking her so much, but I can’t not. Matthew: suddenly I don’t feel quite as bad anymore. Alex truly is the worst, she deserves whatever horribleness is coming for her, and I’m glad Matt was there to soften the blow a bit. He really is so considerate, I adore him. He only wants what’s best for people, and that’s something I can get behind. I hope his cute little smile meant something to Bear, that boy could use someone on his side in a place like this. And Limos knows that Matt needs some positivity in his life too. I think they’re good for one another. Ilya: it seems we’ve gotten our first alliance. I hate how much of a presence Alex has had in this chapter, but it doesn’t surprise me that Mara and Ilya would allow themselves to be her pawns. I wouldn’t say they make for a predictable trio, but they certainly make sense together. Though, if I were Ilya, I wouldn’t turn my back on Alex because she’ll backstab you in a heartbeat. I have no doubt about that. Still, I enjoyed hearing about Ilya’s time in prison and how she’s navigated it. I might like her more than I thought I would. Loved this chapter, even though I want Alex dead more than I’ve ever wanted a kid dead :) With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! |
![]() ![]() ![]() IM HERE! sorry im like 3 days late but i am here and i am reading! i've been living for pregames so far so im hype i finally have the time to read this alex: yeah she is not having a great day thus far since she was bodied by lior (i thot it was the other way around so ty em for correcting me, i reread and figured it out xx) but seeing her commentary on the other kids was interesting as hell. like pls how she was intimidated by eden but not vanya... oh honey. it makes sense based on that interaction alone but also... miss ma'am has a big storm coming since eden is baby and vanya is... herself. i loved seeing this side of alex and i big related because i'm also an attention whore. i cackled when she called bear a toddler, like i legit laughed out loud. overall i enjoyed this pov and i'm liking alex more! matty: okay forget what i said about liking alex more, why the fuck did she have to go and do my homie bear dirty like that? bye, that made me very upset. and then the description of bear writhing on the ground, god that just hurt and her grabbing at his teddy bear. nevermind alex, you're on my shit list why the fuck did you do that. and poor matty, i love him but also this made me so sad. he deserves so much better, holy shit, the detail of his mom and how he just wants to get out and get another trial date. momo, why the fuck did you do this to him? anyways, i hope this is the beginning of a friendship for bear and matty because i think that the two of them deserve some sort of camaraderie in this god awful situation. i was going to suggest that maybe vanya and eden won't be the only gays in this prison but then i remembered bear's two years younger... but wait, the age of consent is 16 in canada so ya never know. anyways, i loved this pov and god i just... sad ilya: okay so this is very interesting indeed. i don't love her, but seeing her be like "ugh i am better than prison," was kind of funny to me. and then they learned the rules? i think vanya and eden may have an issue with the first one. if you're asking if i mean that in a gay way or a violence way, the answer is yes. this is so ominous and creepy though, geez... the cut be on some weirdo shit ffs. "you're home" bye i'm so afraid. curious what's around the rest of the prison though. and it seems we have the beginning of a little alliance? mara, alex, and ilya? hmm... well they have one thing in common which is that i don't really like them. and that's sorta because they're all little bitches and not in the endearing way. i digress, i'm curious what happens with them. and ahh! we're 1/4 there! that is so fun and also means all the kiddos get 2 pregames povs? that's very fun and sexy! as per usual, you popped off with the writing, and i'm already getting pumped for the next chapter! |