Reviews for Harry Potter and A Galaxy Far Far Away
ytrf chapter 15 . 1/11
Is this dead? I hope not, it's good
Gronk311 chapter 1 . 1/9
I’ve been enjoying this very much. But i was hoping for another chapter this Christmas. Ho well
DesireeStorm chapter 15 . 1/9
Love how the Force is trying to get more mini-Harrys to cuddle with all these lovely women.
Morpheus chapter 1 . 1/8
I'm liking this so far. Please keep up the good work!
Sarek5959 chapter 15 . 1/4
Hey! This is a great fic! Keep it going!
Babymaker Bea chapter 15 . 1/4
Story is ok…ish

But it’s very clear you’re not good with people



your profile

There nothing wrong with disliking mpreg it doesn’t make you a bigot or prude
Your “reasoning” for why you dislike it is sexist, borderline misogynistic

It’s also nonsensical…
You’ve clearly never seen the movie Junior with Emma Thompson and Pamela Reed
StuartT48714774 chapter 14 . 12/30/2024
a faster, more streamlined version of the dagger classcalled the Stilletto could ve a good name for a stealth and espionage oriented vessal.

saber class for larger, cruisers

the Excaliber class capitol ship.
Guest chapter 15 . 12/29/2024
It's been 14 months since you have updated.

Hope you are fine on the ocular issue and work is not keeping you down.

If nothing else, please post a status and health update on your profile.
Deviantslife chapter 15 . 12/27/2024

Okay with that bit out of the way hey mate love the work and how your world building is going no criticism cuz its flawless form what im seeing and the naming is not that bad all things consider like planet names on point for the outer to mid rim side-character names is great cuz that sounds like an official name that George Lucas would come up with if he made a spinoff ship name wise that all good again you can make the ship class name based on mythical weapons like Destroyers be (Spears)Adun’s wrath cuz they hit way above there weight and are the front liners AKA “tip of the spear”heavy Cruisers be (Hammers)Mjölnir class ships for their reliability and number of variants types and Battleships/Dreadnought’s being named the (Shields)Aegis line for there sheer bulk of armour and guns and carries being named after (Bows)Failnaught for it arrows are fighter ships and they fight from down range.

P.S feel free to use the reasons and thought progress for the names mate and again love the work
Batmanwolf738 chapter 15 . 12/26/2024
Doesn't HPI use sorosuub to also sell and produce all of there speeders, and don't they also own the deign for the cloakshape cs fighter and just let KDY produce it?
Batmanwolf738 chapter 14 . 12/26/2024
What is happening with anakin? Is he still visiting?
bdydvl chapter 15 . 12/25/2024
Why wouldn't mc just start making his own repulsor coils? This sounds silly to just make him have a stake in the future of the company/planet, at this point just take control of it

Mc can just use imperio on the commerce guilds to have an agent on the inside of the future CIS

The fight with his form was badass, but with all his boost he should just be able to crush most ships less than 100m large or just summon them fast enough to fck up most organics inside, hell shrink them

And we still don't know what it is, i was guessing a star dragon if not for his looks

Making weapons facilities accessible to organics on tatooine is stupid idc the reason

Hell yeah go fay

The church thing is meh

Interesting story,hopefully you'll be able to finish it in the future, thanks for writing it
bdydvl chapter 14 . 12/24/2024
Mispy the GOAT lmaooo

Why is Padme already a senator?
Btw he didn't get a cube of gobling silver when he was taking each materials he could? The thing is indestructible, or at least was to anything on earth except maybe fiendfyre. - bro stop Reading my mind mid chapter to answer my questions

Didn't lerla have no family ?ithink it was in her introduction..not important but weird

Doesn't the planet itself sucks ass? Just make them all migrate to another before putting his resort plan into action and it'll be a positive already

Weren't there some cristals who gained sentience and could control droids bodies bouncing around the galaxy now? They should meet mc or one of his droid and become what the elf are to mc to his droids
xxxBlackxReaderxxx chapter 15 . 12/24/2024
more please another Christmas present?
bdydvl chapter 13 . 12/24/2024
So the force didn't warn him or one of the jedi on the planet about him?

Wait wasn't sidious complaining about a light side bomb happening in the temple last chapter? I thought it was the chest opening, why is it only happening now? I must have missed something :(

Should change the bomber's designation

Mc will end up emperor somehow (PA will rule effectively)
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