Reviews for Harry Potter: Thinking like a Thief
AliceTobor chapter 16 . 11/4/2023
FAERY HEROES also has Harry the Thief.

But he is in a triad with Hermione and Luna!
AliceTobor chapter 15 . 11/4/2023
Oh yeah...

Dumbledore had the authority and power keep Snape out of Azkaban and keep him as a professor IN SPITE OF his abusive behavior towards anyone not in Slytherin.

Therefore Dumbledore COULD HAVE gotten Sirius a TRIAL!

Just one more factoid showing how evil the "leader of the light" really is.
AliceTobor chapter 14 . 11/4/2023
I had something to say but forgot, I'm old, still I like this story so far, this will bump up your review count.
AliceTobor chapter 13 . 11/4/2023
Amelia is TOO law abiding.

There comes a time when a government is so corrupt that a violent REVOLUTION is the only cure.

Someone should write a fic where Amelia and others go on a killing spree in the First Voldemort War.
They call themselves Death Eaters?
Feed them DEATH!
AliceTobor chapter 12 . 11/3/2023
Just because Narcissa lied Once to help Harry people think she is good.

Yes Snape turned against Tom but that doesn't mean he is good.

When two evil men fight each other it doesn't mean one is good.

And Alan Rickman is surely burning in hell for making evil look good.

Snape may have liked (obsessed over) Lily but he left good behind when he became a death eater.
He SEALED his fate as one of the DAMNED when he verbally abused Harry Potter in book one.
AliceTobor chapter 11 . 11/3/2023
People like Delores Umbridge just need to die.

How many people died in the books because Dumbledore did NOTHING?!


Why anyone believes Dumbledore was good I don't understand.
AliceTobor chapter 10 . 11/3/2023
Rowling and Sense, common or any other variety, are total strangers.

Likely she didn't imagine house elves when she wrote the first book.

Planning? An overall outline? Plot? What's a plot?

That Umbridge got away with torturing Harry and NOBODY did anything is when I decided the wacky witless wizzy world was corrupt and cowardly, way, Way, WAY beyond any redemption!

Your Hermione is just as stupid as the one in the books.
Just in a slightly different way.

Out of 40 students less than 5 are worth keeping alive.

So 90 percent of the population needs to die.
Maybe 95 or more.
AliceTobor chapter 9 . 11/3/2023

Thinking you know better than everyone else, even GOD.

That is what makes Dumbledore EVIL.

Did you know that HUBRIS is a SIN?

I think it is a combination of Pride and one or more of the other Deadly Sins.

It is why Dumbledore died in the books. He went after the ring alone.
AliceTobor chapter 8 . 11/3/2023

Archive of our own

It is a good site.


AliceTobor chapter 7 . 11/3/2023
Rowling wrote many things into her story and DID NOT think about what she wrote.

The ICW is introduced in book one and then ignored.

Why did the ICW which is supposed to uphold the STATUTE OF SECRECY not help when Voldemort broke it?

The ICW should have helped Harry, it did nothing.

Rowling wrote anything she imagined but didn't THINK about what she wrote.

If nothing else, the other Ministries had to KNOW that if Magical Britain lost then Voldemort would attack them next.

But the ICW, France, MACUSA, they did nothing.


I blame Dumbledore, he probably passed some law that kept them away.
The evil old meddling manipulative fool didn't want anyone else doing anything in his playground.

The ONE thing Rowling did right was kill Dumbledore.

Too bad he lived long enough to get the Potters killed and torture Harry.
AliceTobor chapter 6 . 11/3/2023
I agree.

If you don't like a story then don't read it.

If I don't like a story then I leave the worst review of all ... NONE.

Even an abusive flame shows they care, even if it is intense hate.

Since you can search by review count the worst is none at all.

Nothing constructive to help.
No flame to add to the review count.


There are a few people in the world I would help.

Others I would not care if they live or die or are in pain.

Apathy is the worst.
AliceTobor chapter 4 . 11/3/2023
That the Queen didn't invade Magical Britain during either the first or second Voldemort war is unbelievable!

While quite a few muggles are mindless, those that follow Donald Trump for example, many would know about magic and could DO SOMETHING!

All it takes is ONE of the parents of ONE muggle born to tell the muggle government.

I am sure it has happened.
AliceTobor chapter 3 . 11/3/2023
Dumbledore is so focused on redeeming the DAMNED he doesn't protect the innocent.

For his actions Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is damned himself.

You PUNISH the guilty,. You PROTECT the innocent.

What was Rowling thinking?

Not that I believe she is very good at logical thought.

Bad at maths means bad at logic.
AliceTobor chapter 2 . 11/3/2023




Sorry I don't remember the name of the writers of the first 2 fic.

THE BRITISH REFORMATION is another good story.

If you want redemption, although I don't know why, ROUNDABOUT DESTINY is good.
AliceTobor chapter 1 . 11/3/2023
Harry Potter should have lost.

Tom and his followers had More money, more political influence, better training, more experience, just more and better everything.

Dumbledore not only set the Potters up to die but controlled Harry all his life.
Even his wife was chosen by Dumbledore.
Ginny Weasley was conditioned by Molly and Dumbledore to BELIEVE she loved Harry.
After the way the Dursleys treated Harry he had no clue what love is.

Harry Potter was a victim of Dumbledore.
Albus Dumbledore was the TRUE Dark Lord of the story.
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