Reviews for Death and Decay
Archangel Change24 chapter 5 . 11/22/2024
Love the inclusion of mothra! That ja hilarious.
Aren Gisly chapter 3 . 9/24/2024
Bad idea, Beowulf is a 50-50, depending of the media, if it's the anime one he's basically a Berserker, not good following orders;, if he's the poem one, he was a wise hero king, not bad choice, but too many leaders in his peerage will create problems if he doesn't establish his authority. In the other hand, he should have chosen Hector of Troy before Aquiles, equally strong, more talented (could fight and almost kill Aquiles even when he was a mere mortal and Aquiles a blessed one) and less a dick. Same problem with Heracles, although I don't remember any other Greek Hero that suit's better (most of them are dicks, no matter what Disney says); but there are several medieval less known that are more worthy of it, El Cid (Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar), Don Pelayo, Robert Guiscard, James Douglas, Bertrand du Guesclin; or some more famous like the last great knight of England, William Marshal (there's a book from Duby about this guy that's great), and for some variety an strategist and fighter like Juan de Austria (will be born in a few decades) or a fighter/sailor and explorer like Juan Sebastián Elcano, and he probably would need to rise his own magicians, since all I remember are somehow related to any mythical faction, so he won't be able to steal a grown tree like with Joane.
Guest chapter 9 . 9/20/2024
I haven't read this but did a quick ctrlf for rais and found nothing, wanted to check if this was one of those trashy bashing fics or not and her name isn't even mentioned in the story, guessing this a different time period or something, should put that in the description so you don't get idiots like me putting useless reviews and flaming.
WOLF-GOST chapter 9 . 4/18/2024
update soon
SMB chapter 6 . 4/4/2024
He can't have Breath of Life and have a Hollowed Soul. It's physically impossible to give a soul to something when you don't have one of your own for it to grow from. I'd argue about him having a death aura and gaining life powers without any consequences like excrutiating pain but then you pulled that stupid shit with him destroying his own soul. Combined with the madness mask, your MC is a f**king moRon of epic scale. His intelligence stat means f**k all. What a f**king waste of time reading this stupid shit.
SMB chapter 1 . 4/4/2024
Kat agreed too quickly. Is she really that f**king horny for a sickly weak devil? Why didn't he tell her that the Old Satan faction sentenced him to death already and it's their fault he has to go to the New Satans for help?
badboyelsanto chapter 9 . 3/21/2024
Becoming a human king would be quite interesting ol cause when he eventually dies dimce he made the clone a human, his renown will be well know as possibly a great emperor, and i reckon that his descendants will be strong asf as the clone is peak human. He could basically create an even better legend than king arthur
badboyelsanto chapter 6 . 3/21/2024
They are devils, they can fucking fly!

Lilith being his mother is a very pleasant surprise, i can imagine her doting on him alot, i was going to drop this but that bit of info made me want to continue

The trident might go well with serafall
badboyelsanto chapter 6 . 3/21/2024
With the evil piece merlin should be able to understand and speak every language in the world, that’s a perk of it
badboyelsanto chapter 5 . 3/21/2024
Lmao! I bope like 500 years later there are pictures of the MC in the internet as the first man that wore a suit

His father stole from hades? He got balls, that should mean hades is currently torturing his soul then

Since he can convert gold to credits then he should upgrade his terriory and add a gold vine, that’s unlimited gold

Bro devil magic is literally imagination magic, he don’t need to spend credits to purchase every element usage

Well, you lost me when he became a disciple, idc if it’s from HxH
badboyelsanto chapter 4 . 3/21/2024
Primal rage activates itself
Using telekinesis makes him bleed
Hollowed king class has a possibility of him losing his mind

Huh, I don’t know how to feel about all these debuffs
badboyelsanto chapter 3 . 3/21/2024
I would have liked a serafall pov

I think you are confused here author, some of the old satans factions are among the 72 pillars, it’s not a group, it’s basically the lesser keys of solomon

Yeah, they have no idea the king piece is basically a game changer lol

Lmao, his peerage members will be strong asf once he starts powerleveling them

I don’t think you portrayed joan well, if anything she would have been shocked that devils are real cause even though she said she heard the voice of michael no one believed her so she might be doubting herself, so i feel her reaction should be “the supernatural is real?!Devils exists?!What about archangel Michael?!”

Why has he not made sebastian a member of his peerage yet?
badboyelsanto chapter 2 . 3/21/2024
Lmao, wht a comical way to speedrun a tower, that was really funny

Devastating blast is basically shinra tensei lol

Him being hungry is no reason to eat like a barbarian

What is this shit? He gets a privilege to be reincarnated with an OP system and he’s angry because he is too far from canon and even going berserk? I do not like this development at all

You can get joan of arc as she will literally die soon and then Leonardo da vinci who is not born yet, then there is vlad AKA dracula
badboyelsanto chapter 1 . 3/21/2024
Lol perhaps once he is strong enough, he will use the time stone to make canon arrive quickly

The iphone is actually a good one since he is 100 years before canon, that means the world is still using flip phones which are very simplified, except if ajuka has made better phones for the underworld

steel.metal14 chapter 9 . 3/6/2024
a damn fine read.
I eagerly await more.
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