Reviews for Distance Learning for Fun and Profit
Lord Erethar chapter 30 . 8/22
Its sad to know that this hasnt had an update for a while, and probably wont. This story is absolutely enjoyable, as are many of your other works. I look foreward to seeing what next you write/update, but when you have time and inspiration, please consider continuing this.
TigerCat chapter 5 . 6/6
Re-reading this for the umpteenth time, and there's always a little nugget of nuance or small detail that I missed - or wonderful joke that I hadn't remembered ("all the money"). I wouldn't mind seeing an update on this one or Taylor Varga sometime soon, but all your stuff is great.
Guest chapter 4 . 5/9
Based and science pilled.
gremlin914 chapter 2 . 5/1
Lol, this last visual. It puts a smile on my face.
gremlin914 chapter 1 . 5/1
A fantastic start to a great story.
Talon5Krrde chapter 25 . 4/8
Yeah, maybe so... But Which Omake and what is the Title so we can look for it?
EliteShadow chapter 30 . 3/13
where was the omakes moved to ? i really would love to read them if possible BTW keep up the great work i would love to read more of this and your other storys as well please ! keep up the great work

i am having a blast laughing at parts of this story and your other storys as well hope to read more soon please!
Arturia LeFay chapter 24 . 3/2
Troll Contessa is best Contessa!
Arturia LeFay chapter 21 . 3/2
and Taylor is talking to the shard-net
Arturia LeFay chapter 6 . 3/2
knew it was Costa Brown causing a Ruckus!
sol.leksthewolf2021 chapter 16 . 2/5
Man, what is it with you and Portal references?
SuperReader3000 chapter 29 . 2/1
I love the story and hope that youre able to come back to it!
Jamerz06 chapter 28 . 11/14/2023
Can't wait to see the next chapter
scyfly chapter 28 . 11/9/2023
a group like s9 wouldve been nuked in real life, and fallout be dammed. acceptablr lossed and all that
scyfly chapter 28 . 11/8/2023
i wouldve liked to see more of sg1, kinda odd your omake story is than about mass effect
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