Reviews for The Snorkackic Trio
madie080802 chapter 18 . 6/12/2021
that was a fun read.
missgsmith51 chapter 18 . 6/12/2021
"The problem for Albus, once he was thrown into Azkaban, was: How was Harry going to destroy the horcruxes and to defeat Tom without Albus's wise guidance?" I knew it!

"As Dudley stepped outside into sunlight and freedom, he hoped Harry would be proud of him." The only Dursley to have mended his ways and adjusted his own attitude - Harry would surely be proud of him, I think. He now actually has a future ahead of him.

The secrets Albus loved to hoard would prove to be his torment when people began keeping things from him. I really hope Thanatos lets Lily torment Dumbledore for his first phase of punishment. I hope it lasts a long time, and she is deviously creative in her punishments. Snape was pretty nasty to Harry - he deserves some "attention" from Lily, too - but he deserves to make Albus's Next Great Adventure miserable for Albus's many abuses of him.

I wonder ... what became of Molly and Ginny. Hmmmm.

Great story, Tom. Thanks for sharing.
missgsmith51 chapter 17 . 6/12/2021
Ooohh, I love it when the good guys win! I suppose Dumbledore will be mad that Harry and the girls Vanquished Voldy on their own, without his ... "guidance." Will he be angry and smug and point out that Tom can still return because he made Horcruxes, not realizing the kids have handled them?

It should be interesting to watch him try and make himself necessary and indispensable, which he actually thinks he is. I hope Amelia shreds him.
madie080802 chapter 7 . 6/12/2021
madie080802 chapter 6 . 6/12/2021
missgsmith51 chapter 16 . 6/12/2021
Too bad Snape didn't make a copy of Dumbledore's "orders" and put them into a vial in his pocket, along with the address. It would be nice to get Dumbledore for masterminding this crime against Muggles. It would definitely dent his reputation for people to hear his casual way of talking about murdering Hermione's parents. Honestly, I think Dumbo's reasoning is stupid. With her parents dead, Hermione would cling even more strongly to Harry.

Well, I hope Dumbledore gets just what he deserves.
madie080802 chapter 5 . 6/12/2021
love the movie quotes
madie080802 chapter 4 . 6/12/2021
okay... everything is changing, but still, I can't wait.
madie080802 chapter 3 . 6/12/2021
Yes! fist-pumping. Granger's one, Albus Dumbledore zero.
madie080802 chapter 2 . 6/12/2021
oh so cool
missgsmith51 chapter 15 . 6/12/2021
Sirius isn't among the ten, but Sprout is? Why not, if he and Amelia are a couple? I actually wouldn't want to live that long. Imagine how the Flamels felt, and their time here was much less. Anyone contemplating living so long should talk to them, IMHO.

Oh, dear! How will our Trio stop the murders? Do they need to call Amelia? Or will they apparate to the Grangers and do battle with Snape themselves? *worried* I have a weird feeling Amelia will be tangling with Dumbledore.
madie080802 chapter 1 . 6/12/2021
Oh my. Very interesting
missgsmith51 chapter 13 . 6/12/2021
Well, we certainly see the evil soul of Dumbledore on parade in this chapter. In some ways, it's too bad the Ring has already been captured and cleansed. It would have been a good way to get rid of Dumbledore, especially if Snape happened not to be available to stop the curse.

It's too bad H&H didn't leave Hogwarts. I've often wanted to see it happen. Actually, I would prefer to,see Dumbledore leave ... permanently. He is not a great Headmaster. He is very callous toward kids. He was so toward both Snape and Riddle. He sent both back into abusive environments each year, just as he has done to Harry.

I wonder whether either man could have become a different person, had they both been mentored by someone with compassion. Riddle was probably too far gone; then again, as he was only eleven, the right person might have been able to reach him. Too bad he never met that person. Snape had the early influence of his mother, who loved him, and his friendship with Lily. He was definitely salvageable ... only no one appropriate bothered. The person who should have acted was too busy with his grandiose plans.

Hermione unable to read books? She must be getting very twitchy and ill-tempered. At least, that is what happened to her in another story where a Curse rendered her unable to read for a couple of days. Even her friends had enough of her bad behavior.

I'm curious. Why are Harry and Hermione not assigned to married student quarters? They should be.
missgsmith51 chapter 12 . 6/12/2021
Snape never seems to learn, does he? He made a very ugly scene, and Dumbledore has allowed it. Harry will certainly pay the price in class. It's too bad he and Hermione can't just leave the school. I do wish he had acknowledged McGonagall's apology, but perhaps there is more to come.

I hope Dumbledore doesn't try anything against Hermione, though I'm sure that is wishful thinking.
missgsmith51 chapter 10 . 6/12/2021
Fudge's realization: "Nobody will try to make the Ministry of Magic work right when everyone knows that the Minister for Magic is lazy and accepts bribes. I'm to blame for how bad things are, here."

"... later that Saturday, he had had a second realisation: "The only hope the Ministry has of defeating You-Know-Who is for me to be the best Minister I can, and to set a sterling example."

"Being Minister for Magic during a civil war would not be easy for Cornelius—he was a stupid man, and he knew it. But since last Saturday, Cornelius Fudge was determined to be the leader he had been elected to be." I've often wondered if Fudge's attitude could be adjusted. Apparently, it can. I just hope it "takes."

[Albus] said, in a voice that for once did not ooze with condescension, "Surely I can persuade you to undo your resignation." Hmm. I wonder if that statement was accompanied by an Imperius Curse or Compulsion Charm.
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