Reviews for Searching Peace
Stormshadow13 chapter 5 . 8/19/2024
Really like this story and the idea behind it.
hitsdifferent chapter 5 . 4/10/2024
Guest chapter 5 . 5/5/2022
I love this story! Continue, please!
Alternativetie3 chapter 5 . 3/11/2022
Damm, this was a great read. Hope you continue it one day
Yurei Kyosuke chapter 5 . 1/10/2022
is this still on going?
Guest chapter 5 . 5/17/2021
Wow great job! I LOVE how you describe Pein in the village and the academy. I can't wait to see how the story will be
sayaka uzumaaki chapter 5 . 4/2/2021
I feel like your story just got way more interesting , Is Noriko a reincarnation of Konan .
jh831 chapter 1 . 3/31/2021
Im curious, could naruto sneak out of the village and get a letter to konan wxplaining whats going on? He could also start his network through her
TatsuTota chapter 5 . 3/30/2021
I did not see Konan being resurrection coming though I probably should have. That will definitely make things interesting if it fully happens that way.
lil chapter 4 . 3/17/2021
love it, great job. Mmm, hmmm... I can't wait to see how this unfolds.
hope to see you update soon
jh831 chapter 4 . 3/11/2021
Im curious to see what he tells people about skipping the tree climbing and go for water walking
Guest chapter 4 . 3/3/2021
I love how Nagato is still Nagato. He still works for the same goals even if his situation changes. There is so much room for this story to develop. I am very excited to see is. :)
sayaka uzumaaki chapter 4 . 3/4/2021
I see what you meant about who the New Konan would be , but unfortunately it looks like Nagato's plan to not get involved with other clans just went down the drain since he caught the attention of Shikaku.
I can't help but wonder how things will go when Nagato meets with Jiraiya , though I know it won't happen for a long time .
TysonG chapter 4 . 3/3/2021
Nice chapter. With the way nagato seems to be progressing in guessing hes going to be put up for early graduation. Also with the uchiha massacre not happening yet and his plans to kill danzo will he manage to stop the massacre in time or will it be too late. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Blackbird0 chapter 4 . 3/3/2021
This is amazing! I really hope he will make friends with Itachi soon, I remember the scene of the two of them during the Fourth War, I think they actually did get along very well :D
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