Reviews for Fate-In Time: Chaldea Alternative Records
DestinySkyDemon chapter 26 . 10h
Damn I hope this story updates more often
Guest chapter 2 . 16h
So the Artorias here didn't know about Shirou? Saber Artoria and Salter Artoria never meet Shirou?
CorpolizeFavouri chapter 26 . 23h
Somewhat disappointed that this isn't Ritsuka after Lostbelt, that be goated.
Guest chapter 26 . 23h
But what about Saber's realm T_T, wish it become dystopian too. Would be funny if each ver of Artoria have to fix their alternate dreamscape version's world. Would be better if you just call "Artoria" as "Chaldea Artoria" here instead of "Saber" to avoid confusion as we know you already call the Dreamscape version of Artoria as "Saber"?

Though then again you won't read this.
giving 33 chapter 26 . 2/17
thanks for the chapter it is interesting
Harris Hussain chapter 25 . 2/17
Nooooo. My poor lancer has suffered enough. You are evil author. Pure evil!
rogue1Bois chapter 25 . 2/17
oh boy... this... this is golden...
Gilgamesh50 chapter 26 . 2/17
So the brother is dead? Mann every shirou fic hss a daughter i was actually rooting for the boyGreat Chapter
Blast Ketchup chapter 26 . 2/17
Hell of a start to the arc. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes!
Ubae006 chapter 25 . 2/17
Sweet! Cant wait to see how thi all unfolds.
ramul chapter 25 . 2/17
dreaddragonknight chapter 26 . 2/17
Oh boy I can see the ripples happening and it is terrifying and awesome all at once.
aldorojas2001 chapter 25 . 2/17
wow este cpitulo si me dolio
keybladelight chapter 26 . 2/17
Oh boy fgo artoria meet your fate in time alter daughter Anna Emiya Pendragon well can wait to see Artoria reaction when she learn she a real mom now.
Jebest4781 chapter 26 . 2/17
Rather nice in seeing how this was done.
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