Reviews for You're All I Have
Guest chapter 47 . 3/16/2022
It took too many mentions before I figured out, "Oh, that's how." For the 8thblevel.
Aratherfluffyfatcat chapter 49 . 3/18/2022
Enjoying the story thanks
Guest chapter 46 . 3/14/2022
Gee, I wonder who?
Guest chapter 41 . 3/14/2022
I've been guessing Flamel for Fawkes' master.

Dumbledore has *fluffed* right up.
Guest chapter 36 . 3/14/2022
Oh my god, Kreacher.
Guest chapter 12 . 3/13/2022
Farshield is quite interesting. I like that he was hating Harry because he thought him possessed by Voldemort, and that he's warming up to him as (I think) he somewhat realizes what's going on.
SlyDemonCreator chapter 25 . 3/9/2022
You know...Snape technically mind raped Harry. So yes it is assault, and he is a minor so it would hold up in court.
Saissa chapter 49 . 3/8/2022
Another wonderful story! Loved it!

Hermione is annoying, but eventually she got herself sorted out...
Saissa chapter 41 . 3/8/2022
Personally I think numbers 8 and 9 should be swapped around so that you can control someones mind before you banish the soul.

Moody id just as dark and stuipid as Dumbles and yes I fully believe that Dumbles is a dark lord - no matter how senile he is.
Saissa chapter 40 . 3/8/2022
UGH - quite frankly, Hermione has NO RIGHT whatsoever to be upset with Harry about his ritual to save Charlie,. NO right at all!

She is not his sister, his mother, his wife, his guardian or anything at all.

So Hermione, when was your last period? When will your next one start? What colour knickers are you wearing today, Hermione?

This selfish demand that she has, to know absolutely everything is an EXTREME invasion of privacy and not worth keeping a friendship over.

Harry did not break any rules, and he did what he did to survive his own life or he would have been dead at age 9!

This is a brilliant atory so far!
Trahald of Uru chapter 48 . 3/6/2022
Saw that coming.
All through the later half of the story: "I'll never do it. I'll never do it."
Climax: "Oh crap, I must do it."

The buildup was kind of obvious. I'd have been disappointed if you didn't though.
WhitePhoenix22 chapter 4 . 3/1/2022
I just love tom and Harry’s relationship, it warms my hart
Illucia chapter 7 . 2/27/2022
Oh dear, I still see this as tom/harry. Lol. It would be so great but I also want to see how will harry/charlie work out!
siobhan.22 chapter 49 . 2/16/2022
Great story
tessita25 chapter 49 . 2/15/2022
Just such a good story. I'm always in awe of what I find on this site. I almost passed on it because of the Necromancy, because a lot of authors go really overboard with that sort of stuff, but you kept it focused. Everything tied in wonderfully. Thank you.
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