Reviews for The Golden Grimm
OmniIBIBUltraInstinctGodzilla chapter 13 . 11/8/2023
Urk! Summer is alive. Well crud.
DarkKayser chapter 13 . 11/8/2023
Quiero más,
Quiero más
QUIERO MAAAAASDe esta historiaaaa~~
Krieger Techpreist chapter 10 . 11/6/2023
Well someones dead
Krieger Techpreist chapter 9 . 11/6/2023
Ah...So the portal bitch is...being less bitchy? A surprise for sure, but a welcome one!
Krieger Techpreist chapter 6 . 11/6/2023
Krieger Techpreist chapter 5 . 11/6/2023
This absolutely mental and I love it!
Kortir chapter 13 . 11/4/2023
that was fun, honestly good to see the end of lionheart after all that he caused and allowed. nice chapter!
Jellyfish787 chapter 13 . 11/3/2023
Thanks for the great update.
The Infamous 1 chapter 13 . 11/3/2023
Glad to have this story back.
Crimson Riot 01 chapter 13 . 11/2/2023
Super cool
Guest chapter 13 . 11/2/2023
this is great, give me more chapters.
Afro1Ninja8 chapter 13 . 11/2/2023
Just as it was getting to some deep stuff. Cant wait for the next update.
santoscristianadonay chapter 13 . 11/2/2023
Mas raven
Braeden1002 chapter 13 . 11/2/2023
Well I'm not surprised to see Leo kick the bucket, there's a part of me that when I read the previews of it I thought it would be Naruto not Raven who killed him. But considering all that he's done to everyone underneath him all because he was a coward it seems fitting that he was taken out by Raven. Not just because she's one of the few people who has no problem being the executioner but what he's done to her family would demand blood for blood.

It will be interesting to see what happens with Summer joining them. As between her and Raven, Naruto can be trained to probably be one of the strongest Huntsman in Remnant; they've more than likely can pull Tai and Qrow away from Ozpin and his control including Ruby and Yang. But beyond that there is so much dirty laundry that can and will be aired that will make life difficult for Ozpin, Ironwood, and Salem.
Guest chapter 13 . 11/1/2023
Too much nardo and Gary Stu wank. Holy fuck you write so much dog shit. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
Too much nardo and Gary Stu wank. Holy fuck you write so much dog shit. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
Too much nardo and Gary Stu wank. Holy fuck you write so much dog shit. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
Too much nardo and Gary Stu wank. Holy fuck you write so much dog shit. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
Too much nardo and Gary Stu wank. Holy fuck you write so much dog shit. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
Too much nardo and Gary Stu wank. Holy fuck you write so much dog shit. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
Too much nardo and Gary Stu wank. Holy fuck you write so much dog shit. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
Too much nardo and Gary Stu wank. Holy fuck you write so much dog shit. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
Too much nardo and Gary Stu wank. Holy fuck you write so much dog shit. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
Too much nardo and Gary Stu wank. Holy fuck you write so much dog shit. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
Too much nardo and Gary Stu wank. Holy fuck you write so much dog shit. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
Too much nardo and Gary Stu wank. Holy fuck you write so much dog shit. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
Too much nardo and Gary Stu wank. Holy fuck you write so much dog shit. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
Too much nardo and Gary Stu wank. Holy fuck you write so much dog shit. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
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