Reviews for The Golden Grimm
PhoenixDragon90 chapter 1 . 11/1/2023
Seems Interesting.
Will follow and see where this goes.
Judgedg chapter 13 . 11/1/2023
So would love to see more of this
Narunaru002 chapter 13 . 11/1/2023
The notifs still dont work. Ive been having to use the followed stories tab, but it does get annoying when before i didnt need to
Guest chapter 13 . 10/31/2023
You over-glorify writing about an overrated, sickening Gary Stu with lots of harems and never do anything good or original. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
You over-glorify writing about an overrated, sickening Gary Stu with lots of harems and never do anything good or original. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
You over-glorify writing about an overrated, sickening Gary Stu with lots of harems and never do anything good or original. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
You over-glorify writing about an overrated, sickening Gary Stu with lots of harems and never do anything good or original. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
You over-glorify writing about an overrated, sickening Gary Stu with lots of harems and never do anything good or original. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
You over-glorify writing about an overrated, sickening Gary Stu with lots of harems and never do anything good or original. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
You over-glorify writing about an overrated, sickening Gary Stu with lots of harems and never do anything good or original. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
You over-glorify writing about an overrated, sickening Gary Stu with lots of harems and never do anything good or original. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
You over-glorify writing about an overrated, sickening Gary Stu with lots of harems and never do anything good or original. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
You over-glorify writing about an overrated, sickening Gary Stu with lots of harems and never do anything good or original. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
You over-glorify writing about an overrated, sickening Gary Stu with lots of harems and never do anything good or original. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
You over-glorify writing about an overrated, sickening Gary Stu with lots of harems and never do anything good or original. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
You over-glorify writing about an overrated, sickening Gary Stu with lots of harems and never do anything good or original. Kindly go fucking kill yourself Ryan Duff.
Fire turtle chapter 13 . 10/31/2023
What do you mean magic doesn't mix with magic!? That's like saying water doesn't mix with water! I mean you need to mix and match Magic in order to create new spells right?
... why am I so worked up about this?
Also thank you for updating your RWBY stories! I love these and I cannot wait for your next one to update. Especially Embers of Hope.
Zurbies chapter 13 . 10/31/2023
Nice touch with the lion, no begging, no games, just what he deserves, can't wait till Lisa posts ger report and where that goes. Going be good
Amir2000 chapter 13 . 11/1/2023
finished rereading the story, absolutely amazing
SPark681 chapter 13 . 11/1/2023
Hmm, seems Naruto and co now have one of the 4 relics I wonder what they'll do next anyways keep up the great work!
Monster King chapter 13 . 11/1/2023
Awesome work please continue the story
SaltierThanSea chapter 13 . 11/1/2023
nice chapter m8
BreatTheGenevaConvention chapter 12 . 10/31/2023
Gotta say, half of the time Naruto does anything with the Grimm, it kind of just reminds me of the Bright Lord from LOTR, and that’s great. The relationships with Naruto are a interesting slow build, and it is really interesting that Summer is stuck dealing with the actions of her Grimm side because Naruto isn’t there to help her.
25522f chapter 13 . 10/31/2023
cant wait for the next chpter
fresh prince1 chapter 13 . 10/31/2023
wonder where this will go next.
HelloEver22 chapter 13 . 10/31/2023
Thanks for starting to get back at RWBY, i know its far from its peak but the premise is still great! For other updates I do hope to see “In Your Belief”, mostly because the previews show Glynda in a way I would love to see. Thank you!
Guest chapter 13 . 10/31/2023
poor naru hunted on all sides
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