Reviews for Mei-gido
vikung-fu chapter 9 . 7/10/2021
This is clearly the "hats" episode, lol.

RIP Mandril Meggido, we hardly knew you! Excited to see these new villains getting the spotlight!
vikung-fu chapter 8 . 7/3/2021
Oh, I'm certainly excited to see these new elements introduced here! Looking forward to how all this unfolds and to further details on Scylla~!
MKDemiGodzilla-Warrior chapter 8 . 6/28/2021
Well, things are about to get interesting. Also, I'm going to guess that this will last a lot longer than anticipated, so maybe try getting the complete symbol off the story. I'm probably thinking it's confusing some readers.
MKDemiGodzilla-Warrior chapter 7 . 6/14/2021
You know, that would be pretty interesting to see how those riders would look using those particular ride books. Also curious to see how much will be deviated from the show.
vikung-fu chapter 7 . 6/14/2021
You capture Durendal very well! But really it's the final sequence, the discussion between Master Logos and Storious that shines here.
Guest chapter 6 . 5/26/2021
You are a great writer so her are good characters you can write about or ask someone else to do it.

Boys age range from baby to teen transform to superheroes wearing skintight flexible armors add by headwears with scalp hair-shaped parts snd masks to battle evil monsters to defend innocents.

They are call armored boys.

Here are the optional details about the armored boys.

1. The armored boys superpowers can be use without objects and the armors have abilities of their own.

2. The armored boys power sources are items.

3. The armored boys superpowers are transferable and the armors harness their abilities.

4. The armored boys draws power from objects without physical contact and the armors harness their abilities.

5. The armored boys optional allies are sentient automatons and spirits and creatures with abilities.

6. The armored boys enemies are male misandrists who use monsters for evil.

Here are the optional origins of the armored boys.

1. A noble entity defend the worlds from many race of evil monsters by create a race of beings who turn to boys and countless items that transform boys to armored heroes to fight and defeat the monsters to save innocents.

2. A race of entities fear mighty females so they create a being who empower boys for defend. But when many race of evil monsters invade the worlds the being create countless items that transform boys to armored heroes to fight and defeat the monsters to save innocents.

3. A prophecy say if boys remain alive all is doom. And many race of monsters try to stop it from happen by conquer the worlds. But a noble entity defy the prophecy by create countless items that transform boys to armored heroes to fight and defeat the monsters to save innocents.

4. A entity wage wars on many race of evil monsters by empower rulers to create countless items that transform boys to armored heroes to fight and defeat the monsters to save innocents.

5. Many race of evil monsters turn a man to a empowered slave who absorb sources of power for other race to empower their male offsprings for conquest. But the sources cause the man to rebel by create countless items that transform boys to armored heroes to fight and defeat the monsters to save innocents.

6. A entity was betrayed after he create sources of power which empower boys to end wars by force. The sources was used by many race of evil monsters to empower their male offsprings for conquest and by good beings to create countless items that transform boys to armored heroes to fight and defeat the monsters to save innocents.

7. A heiress prove man goodness by using a object which control a wish granting being to create many race of evil monsters and countless items that transform boys to armored heroes to fight and defeat the monsters to save innocents.

The armored boys can be based on any characters from the optional following franchises but with different names.

Pretty cure
Power rangers
Metal heroes series
Kamen rider
Dc universe
Marvel universe
Star wars
Kingdom heart
Saint seiya
Ronin warriors
The legend of heavenly sphere shruato
Wild knights gulkerva
Tenkai knights
Gaist crusher
Majin bone
King arthur and the knights of justice
G.I. joe
Action man
Max steel
Legend of chima
Ben 10
He-man and the masters of the universe
Super robot wars
Duel masters
Cardfight vanguard
Future card buddyfight
Sonic the hedgehog
vikung-fu chapter 6 . 5/24/2021
Ah, we all like to see a villainess redeemed! Keep up the good work!
MKDemiGodzilla-Warrior chapter 5 . 5/17/2021
Well...I'm curious to see what is going to happen now that Saber and Blades have their swords unknowingly taken from them.
vikung-fu chapter 5 . 5/17/2021
I really like your portrayal of the Shindai siblings in this, and I really like the earnestness of Touma and Rintaro, I feel as if you capture their characters perfectly. This made me like Ryouga a lot more than recent episodes have!
vikung-fu chapter 4 . 5/9/2021
Ah, it's nice to see some Oogami scenes ~ ! Despite not being one of my favourite characters, I really like the way you write Ren, also.
vikung-fu chapter 3 . 5/2/2021
I like Oogami getting some screen time in this! :p
MKDemiGodzilla-Warrior chapter 3 . 4/26/2021
Huh...this is not what I was expecting to happen. I'm curious to see how this will divert from the original episodes.
vikung-fu chapter 2 . 4/12/2021
Ah, I really like your fight scenes - and the cliffhanger at the end as well is great! So pleased you have decided to expand on this!
vikung-fu chapter 1 . 4/9/2021
Really, really nicely realised! I wish it had been longer as there's so much scope for extra story here, and you crafted this little fic so very well!

1 for cat villains too! :p
MKDemiGodzilla-Warrior chapter 1 . 4/7/2021
You know, I won’t be surprised if that’s how Mei turns into a Megiddo.