Reviews for Chronos
royale26 chapter 12 . 9/6/2024
How lovely
K chapter 12 . 7/29/2024
This is a parting I didn't know I needed! Your work is amazing!
innerene chapter 12 . 5/15/2024
I just found this story and no more chapter T.T
Why did you leave me at this point when I got to the core
marsipan chapter 12 . 11/9/2023
great story hope you continue it
Aria.RedMika19 chapter 12 . 8/4/2023
i have never expected a crossover between naruto and LOR is this good. i love this. amazing story, amazing introduction, amazing details
KaKashi's Okami chapter 1 . 7/31/2023
August 1st 2023 check in! this story is really good, read it and give it a follow, it's also worth a download if you have the app
miss-direct836 chapter 12 . 3/29/2023
Wow. This was such a beautiful story. The parallels between Sakura and Glorfindel are ingenious and tragic to the point of tears, while Sakura's character growth is like a bud blossoming into a radiant flower. The world building is exquisite.
APridefulSin chapter 12 . 2/8/2023
if I was her, that spider would have freaked me out too
Paul Lenzen chapter 12 . 12/28/2022
This is pretty good please update soon
Nihil Asara chapter 12 . 12/2/2022
This fic was much, much better than the description implied.

Only criticism is the strange use of those/that/there people/land/etc. Would sound much less strange to use "here" imo. it's the place she's been living in for years, should be here not there.
KEZZ 1 chapter 12 . 10/21/2022
Wonderful story so far Thankyou
liasora chapter 10 . 9/20/2022
Oh My God!
You are back!
Thank you so very much for this update!
I've read this story twice already with no expectations to ever be updated, but here you are! Perfectly making me go back with my silly thoughts!
Thank you so much!
I loved this chapter! And I bet, I will also love the next ones to come as well!
Hopefully to see another combo update like this one here as well in not so far future, pls!
Many thanks from a devoted fan!
Tsukikageshi chapter 12 . 9/20/2022
It’s spiders is it not?
Lil'Sparrow7 chapter 12 . 9/19/2022
Lovely update!
Altair chapter 1 . 9/13/2022
This is a wonderful story. Its not locked in the exact frame that almost all lotr stories are. Having the story happen way earlier gives a lot freedom and makes future happenings unknown. This is not another walk to the mountain. I hope you keep updating.
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