Reviews for Miss Kobayashi Magus Neighbour
WeAreTheWord chapter 29 . 1/19
Please come back
A Curious Stranger chapter 29 . 1/19
I'm guessing this might have to do with that new Snake Servant in FGO that looks ripped straight out of Dragon Maid?
Senzetzu chapter 29 . 1/19
No! Please stay! We miss you!
PSYCongroo chapter 29 . 1/19
I completely forget about you, author, lol.
Greyfox2 chapter 29 . 1/19
Welcome back friend, happy new years to you too. That was a fun little chapter. Hopefully if you feel inspired again it'd be a pleasure to see you and your work again too!
Reaper Gamer chapter 29 . 1/18
Thanks for the update!
Wwolko chapter 29 . 1/18
I find it hilarious that half your fics are insanely long, and then the other half rarely breach 60k
Silo005 chapter 29 . 1/18
Honestly, I’m very much happy we got this. Even after all this time it’s still in my top favorite stories.
Son-Of-Scorn chapter 28 . 1/18
Thanks for the update, been a while since ive read this story but its really nice to get a new chapter, just genuinely really great.
Archangel Xireon Chaos God chapter 29 . 1/18
not complaining about the wait. chappy long overdue and worth the wait
BloodySS2God chapter 29 . 1/18
Happy new year! I hope you stay and bless us with more of your great stuff. But if not then I do appreciate you giving us a new year chapter at least
NewMystery356 chapter 29 . 1/18
Elma’s side of things was fun to read, and its funny that she DOES draw a line, even when it comes to food. As someone who uas mixed Dragon Maid into their own work, I appreciate this. Hope you continue writing.
1.6180339887498948482045868 chapter 29 . 1/18
Happy new year! Thanks for the new chapter! I literally just did a reread of this last week lol.
Mad Mad Clown chapter 29 . 1/18
Nice chapter. I'm glad to see this one get updated.
Z.L.C. genesmith chapter 29 . 1/18
I wish you would stay, it's been far too long since this story got a new chapter. And I for one, would rather see you eventually make it all the way to the finish line, instead of dropping out halfway through!
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