Reviews for Miss Kobayashi Magus Neighbour
superpierce chapter 29 . 1/18
Glad this didn’t get canceled thank you for the chapter.
YoRHa Unit 42s chapter 29 . 1/18
Welcome back, you necromancer. Thanks for the Chapter.
verycoolname chapter 29 . 1/18
Glad to see this. Thank you.
Beta117 chapter 29 . 1/18
Yoooo new chapter! Good shit!
Freedmoon chapter 29 . 1/18
Coming back just to make us suffer as we hope forever more it keeps going
Hwang Manuel chapter 29 . 1/18
AdrianEzequielGarrido chapter 29 . 1/18
buen capitulo, me extraña que lo hayas actualizado pero se agradece
HAC1 chapter 29 . 1/18
Thanks for coming back to this story (even if you won't stay), I really like it.
Jebest4781 chapter 29 . 1/18
Nice entry to see here. Will wonder what you’ll do in future chapters.
ENDDRAGON369 chapter 29 . 1/18
Now, to hope and pray that Lost in Transit somehow also gets updated.
billdean19 chapter 29 . 1/18
oh ya that’s the good stuff:)
Kachuki chapter 29 . 1/18
god exists
gazingvoid chapter 7 . 1/1
...And he literally tried to threaten her with his Od about cooking...I assumed he knew. plus I mean. magic users can definitely tell other magic users. especially ancient dragons. seriously. why is he surprised? did you just forget writer?
gazingvoid chapter 2 . 1/1
... You don't have to quote thoughts in first person lol. I think it's a common mistake. One I made as well. basically. first person is the character's point of view inside their own head. so. all the stuff they think is just written down normally.
Hwang Manuel chapter 28 . 11/14/2024
... 3 whole salmons, im assuming xD
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