Reviews for Out of the Darkness
Guest chapter 1 . 12/25/2024
Lazy writers who abandon/leave unfinished good (or even average) stories and frustrate their readers go on my FF shitlist and don't get selected for reading any more of their old or current FF efforts.
ConfusedDreamer chapter 9 . 11/27/2024
This was really good. Hope you get inspired to continue it some day!
dwrayl227 chapter 9 . 10/8/2024
Good storyline so far. Hope you come back to it. Really liking it.
Geochili chapter 8 . 6/18/2024
Poor Sarah was tortured too. Just like Chuck. She understood his pain from that. She didn't torture people the same as Decker did to Chuck, right? She didn't understand Chuck's pain because she observed it in the people she hung naked and bleeding from their wrists, right? Sarah wouldn't believe that two wrongs make a right. Surely not?
Geochili chapter 7 . 6/18/2024
Of course Chuck is mortified at being seen naked by Sarah and probably being compared unconsciously to her former cocksure lover, Bryce, while he was hanging like cold meat on a hook. Sarah was probably used to parading her gorgeous naked body in front of marks or Bryce. Chuck had more normal sensibilities.

Bummer Chuck had to see all the seductions and partying from Sarah's time with the CAT. But, at least he figured out Amy was the traitor.
Geochili chapter 6 . 6/18/2024
It's nice of Sarah to consider Chuck as her partner. It won't ever be more than that. I forgot I'd read this story over a year ago. There is no Charah or hint there would be. The description is honest, which was refreshing. This was just a story of hurt and comfort. A "bonding buddies" story. The only romance was the Brarah in Sarah's past.
Geochili chapter 5 . 6/18/2024
Of course, Sarah would obviously snort at a trang gun. It was ridiculous. Why incapacitate someone, when you can just kill them. The Enforcer killed...she didn't show mercy...that's why other agents feared her, and she loved that power. And Sarah can't have it both ways. She can either appreciate the fear she strikes in others, or hate being called by her fearsome nicknames. She can't have both. Life is full of'd think, of anyone, she'd understand that. Sarah chose her path. The only thing Chuck has to apologize for is being an idiot. He has seen her file so he should know why she became known as the "Ice Queen" without needing to ask her.

Sounds like Sarah needs to kill someone to get the anger out of her over Chuck calling her what she's how she apparently works past things. Each to their own. Maybe she should kill Chuck because he keeps poking at her about the nickname. Wasn't "Grim Reaper" enough for him to shut up about it!? Although...didn't Sarah climb into bed repeatedly with one of those CIA-bred overconfident, smarmy, egotistical, douchbags? Not so icy with Brycey, amirite?
Geochili chapter 4 . 6/18/2024
Stories that have Sarah knowing that Bryce was a selfish, smarmy, douchecanoe and her still having sex with him always seem disrespectful of her. Was Sarah so horny for sex that the 'convenience' of Bryce was too much for her to resist his charm? Was he so phenomenal in bed that she could overlook that he was asshole? It's inferred in Chpt 1 that Sarah was 'partners' with Bryce up until he disappeared just a few months ago.. bastard probably didn't even leave her a note after a night of glorious sex...then later went rogue. That's the extent of her hindsight. That doesn't speak to any of the other parts of Bryce's personality that Sarah already knew about the thoughts by her indicate.. all the while having the feels for him and warming his bed. Sarah seems to be conning herself that she didn't fall for a shitty guy with open eyes.

Why would Sarah care if Chuck saw her for monster she was? She willingly did despicable things to 'protect the country'. She told Chuck that. Sure, she didn't say she was Graham's personal assassin, and that he liked having people killed...hence the golf ball joke. At least, Chuck also 'saw' that Sarah tried to keep from murdering people she deemed innocent enough.. as long as it ultimately didn't compromise her death dealing.

It was very honest of Sarah not to promise Chuck that his innocence in her eyes didn't mean she or someone else wouldn't give him a bullet to the back of the head if ordered to do so. (I can imagine what might be the last words he would hear. National security and whatnot.. sacrifices necessary.. blah, blah.)
Geochili chapter 1 . 6/18/2024
From Graham, sounds like Sarah will have lots of work to do plugging security leaks with bullets once he figures who he needs killed. That should cheer Sarah up.
Geochili chapter 1 . 6/18/2024
Yep. This is about as dark an opening chapter as I've ever read in the Chuck-verse. I hate Decker even more now. But, now I also despise Sarah a little bit.. regardless of her bettering Chuck's situation somewhat. Sarah chooses to live in a world where she tortures people just like Decker tortured my empathy for her apparently being tortured herself is dampened significantly. She commits heinous acts of torture on people and others torture her in kind. That's the life she chose to lead.

And then there's Sarah's phone call with Ellie where she fakes sympathy and understanding of Ellie's predicament as she questions and lies to Ellie. Sure, it seems to get to Sarah a bit...but she seems to shake it off with little trouble.

As you said, there is nowhere to go but up in this story. That clearly applies to both Chuck and Sarah.
rej070453 chapter 9 . 5/9/2024
Need an update! Casey lurking around Chuck and Sarah has so many possibilities. Always enjoy reading your stories, hopefully there will be more soon!
Zeebof83 chapter 9 . 11/26/2023
Great story. Can't wait for next chapter
SarahWBfan chapter 9 . 10/18/2023
Excellent story. I hope you’re still planning to continue. I like Casey better when he’s on Chuck’s side. Very exciting though.
Deleetteedd123 chapter 5 . 8/11/2023
Okay yeah I'm just gonna read one of your other stories. Unfortunately the way you write Chuck doesn't fit in at all with the setting and circumstances you've written him in this story. It's sad to say, but in most of your stories you write Chuck the exact same way no matter what the plot or setting. In this one though, your Chuck does not fit at all and it's not enjoyable to have to pretend that the first 3 chapters didn't happen so that your Chucks characterization fits the story somehow. Thanks
Deleetteedd123 chapter 4 . 8/11/2023
So it only takes one conversation and Chuck already is so understanding and making excuses for her. I love Charah, it's prolly one of my favorite pairings, but come on. Everything is so forced and we're already reverting to Chuck the pushover. The man has been unjustly detained, tortured, and threatened, and he's thanking another agents from the same organization for "nit" torturing him. Like wtf lol. No anger, righteous fury, nothing. He just still accepts everything that's he told.
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