Reviews for The Slayer Gamer
Jxgod chapter 1 . 1/24
FINALLY someone choose fighter istg. its always mage because „ItS mAgIc!“ or rogue
Guest chapter 31 . 1/21
Omg xD that "you gave swanky a glock" "swanky be strapped" bit had me dying xD i actually pictured winky saying that instead
DanielHimura chapter 24 . 12/29/2024
Not a fan of this "nerf" situation. Either the system "had" to update and he gets nerfed, temporal at least or he power games and he gets nerfed as well.
AuthorxAuthor chapter 2 . 12/16/2024
too many flash backs
Guest chapter 3 . 11/30/2024
This entire story so far is "and then my OC was epic and cool and awesome and got all the best things!" Repeated in a loop ad nauseam.
Also, the MC went from 10 strength to over 600 in functionally no time flat while also mot focusing on doing such. Being awed by a strength of 2000 is like being awed that someone else has been working at your job two weeks longer than you.
vmage2 chapter 25 . 10/27/2024
Not entirely sure, but I think Parthenon should be Pantheon. Parthenon means "Temple of the virgin goddess". Pantheon means "of all gods".
vmage2 chapter 15 . 10/26/2024
The Fireflies were one of my absolute favorite abilities from Black Ops 3.
vmage2 chapter 7 . 10/25/2024
Rouge should be Rogue
vmage2 chapter 1 . 10/25/2024
"Is their skill books" should be "Are there skill books".
Zeromaru Chaos Mode chapter 17 . 10/22/2024
bro is probably really wishing he had like, an inter-dimensional comm system set up for when he gets sudden rep boosts and new perks from them while he's off World Hopping.
Guest chapter 5 . 10/3/2024
This story had potential, but it lost me at flashback flashback flashback IF YOU WANT SOMETHING IN THE STORY PUT IT IN NORMALLY JESUS CHRIST
FireFox2590 chapter 24 . 9/14/2024
Ah a Psychopathic warlord type pokemon? I am guessing that his type is weak to Bullshit.
noire125 chapter 20 . 8/31/2024
I was wondering, even with the few misused words every chapter I still consider this a good read. However for the life me I couldn't figure out why I was getting bored reading it. Until it hits me. The MC is a non-entity himself. He doesn't have goals nor ambitions. He's just there. Without quests he'll be content sunbathing somewhere in the middle of nowhere. That's why I didn't find the story as a whole as interesting anymore.

You are given a gamer ability, chucked randomly wherever and you didn't find it absolutely terrifying? Instead, treating it like you're in some kind of a disney ride. He knows warhammer exist right? And he holds no fear of the chaos Gods? Does MC hold no fear if ever he gets thrown into a tentacle rapey universe that can overpower him? Unless like I said before he knows the author and has basically plot armor guarantee.

PS: With his stats multiplier that gives tens of millions of stats yet all he can do is punch a guy through stuffs. The equation of stats to actual strength all over the place? Does it mean that Saitama has quindecillion or do we dare a googol?
noire125 chapter 17 . 8/31/2024
The MC knows the author, so he is sure that there will be no random invasion of his home base. There's no sudden villain that will teach him the lesson of carefree until you experience tragedy. Plot armor guaranteed.
ImmortalDuck chapter 1 . 8/23/2024
Rereading :)
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