Reviews for A Magical Journey
Tony McNucklz chapter 37 . 11/11/2023
lus, maybe this will make him master using heat or fire to get through it. Making him very skilled at manipulating heat. And the next vault could be heat based, requiring mastering wielding the concept of cold. just a guess.
Tony McNucklz chapter 37 . 11/11/2023
Huh, maybe the magic he has to learn to solve these puzzles is one of the major gifts of them. Being able to warm his blood like that has obvious survival applications, even day to day comfort uses. he never has to feel cold again in normal climates now, even when not dressed for a chilly or frigid day.
Tony McNucklz chapter 36 . 11/11/2023
Finally, an OBSTACLE. Stakes! a CHALLENGE!
Tony McNucklz chapter 32 . 11/11/2023
Also, the mirror shouldn't be there yet. it being there now should be a deviation from Canon, how was that not clocked by the MC? hell, if I was trying to steal or study the stone my first plan would be to get to it before the mirror was installed.
Tony McNucklz chapter 32 . 11/11/2023
She married and gave two children to Snapes mortal enemy. A man likely to endlessly rub Snapes nose in both those facts. Somehow I don't see that relationship being mended without her imminent mortal peril pushing things. the man hated, HATED harry for being the reminder of his enemy winning in the end, for reminding him of losing lily twice, for being jameses son, and yet still he was ready to murder and die for the child for being what was left of her. This isn't that life, it wouldn't make much sense here. every conversation he has with Lily, he knows shes going home to James. That's not the sort of resentment that just gets ignored.

This is reading like he's playing the new life on god-mode easy difficulty. literally nothing is a struggle. There are zero obstacles of any worth mentioning. it's boring. The ease with which he made a masterful enchanted map, one that puts the marauders map to shame, using a custom blend of two different languages into a new one specifically invented in a couple weeks of spare time to make it happen... I mean, are there any challenges coming? he handled that troll like a pro fighter would handle a drunken midget. Without effort, and making the poor little thing look utterly pathetic and unthreatening. The story is boring. I think I get why you made the naruto story so harsh, it's like you overcompensated after writing this life on easy street to writing one that honestly makes it seem impossible for the naruto MC to be anyone of note without just as blatant plot protection and meta assistance as is showing here. Two extremes between the two stories.
Sicarius Claraflam chapter 173 . 11/10/2023
Don’t just leave him like that! Elaborate! Please?….
Tony McNucklz chapter 27 . 11/10/2023
Between invisibility, teleportation, and mind control, the muggle world would collectively shit itself in fear at the existence of the magical world, where children have the power to topple governments. Every criminal would claim mind control or magical framery, not just despots like North Korea, China, and Russia would seek to enslave and weaponize magicals, the western powers certainly would want to as well. Big industries like big pharma and the medical establishment would tear apart in debates over monitizing magical treatments vs terror at being rendered obsolete. the sick, the infirm, and the bereaved would grow to resent that literal magical solutions exist but aren't available.

The notion that the muggle world is somehow equal in value doesn't change the unassailable fact that the muggle world is a mortal threat to the wizarding one, regardless of whether individual muggles can be decent people. It doesn't mean a muggle life is worth less, but it does mean they should be left to their own corporate world. And further, the corporatization of magical soxiety should be feared. its such a huge problem for us muggles, i know if i woke up a wizard I'd be murderously opposed to the corporate commercialisation of magical society, and any ideology or people that pushed such notions. Of turning the magical world into just another bunch of jeans and logo-ts in slave labor shoes wearing mindless masses fueling faceless corporate overlords.

I never understand authors that demean magical society by portraying muggle society as in any way superior. If that were so true, why bother with the fandom at all?
Tony McNucklz chapter 22 . 11/10/2023
Hah, an uninteresting year. A strange thing, but a touch unique for it.
Sicarius Claraflam chapter 166 . 11/10/2023
Please don’t take a girl, Quinn. It is far too early for you; there are DANGERS! Dangers, I say!
Tony McNucklz chapter 19 . 11/9/2023
Why would the twins have the map? they might not have it yet, they're only 2nd years.
Tony McNucklz chapter 18 . 11/9/2023
God fucking dammit. if there was one thing above all else in the new ,ovies that was bullshit, it was that damn suitcase. I mean come on, it was the writers actually ripping off one of fanons most overused done to death slackass tropes that every single author used ten years ago that most people thankfully avoid now, the same way they avoid wands being somehow bad, in a fandom where rhe use if wands is a fundamental renant of the story. It's like reading an x-men story, except not mutant powers. or marvel, but iron man just grows the ability to fly instead of building a suit. Or Batman but he throws pies to disable opponents. not using a wand, and treating it like some heinous thing, is a direct attack on the fandom the story is taking place in.
Tony McNucklz chapter 17 . 11/9/2023
For one thing, quil use limbers the wrist, naturally ingraining an elegant control of hand movement, a rather useful exercise for wand users.

The political setup is boring. light 'good' guys, dark evil ones. As if the world is that simple. For fucks sake, a direct quote from the series was "the world isn't divided into good people and death eaters", a statement way to many authors categorically ignore. The basic notion that one faction doesn't want their world being infected with muggle culture personally I find quite understandable. It makes about as much sense for muggleborns to come into the magical world and expect tpit to simply be muggles society with Magic, as if I moved to Thailand and told all the locals they were ass backwards barbarians for not talking, living, and behaving like Americans, that they must alter their entire culture to conform to my American sensibilities.
Tony McNucklz chapter 12 . 11/9/2023
Starting to stray into what I think put me off last time. This is building the hallmarks of the usual shifty fix it fics that denigrate and demean the magical world and society, even something as basic as clothes, while holding up muggle culture and society like it's somehow superior. For fucks sake, the pandemic sure as hell taught most of the world that spending your day in a robe was a hell of a lot more comfortable than jeans and t-shirts. if I wouldn't look ridiculous, you can be damned sure I'd wear some variation of a robe for most of daily life. If the muggle world is so damned great, why are so many readers so fascinated by the Harry Potter world we even read countless fanfics to further enjoy the world? it certainly isn't because we want to read about how superior anything muggle is. to read fiction is inherently escapist, and demeaning the escape fantasy inherently undermines the attempt at escapism.
Tony McNucklz chapter 1 . 11/9/2023
Thought I'd pick this up again and give it a go. First thing that strikes is the name is bizarre. old, as in generational wealth old English house in a semi Victorian Era society, named West? I mean come on, why not just skip the pretense and name him Quinn Smith. It's such a purely boring name. A simple Google search could have spat out dozens, hundreds of English names that could sound aristocraticish, but instead they might as well be peasants for how mundane the name is. It reads bizarrely.
Sicarius Claraflam chapter 141 . 11/9/2023
As for the Fleur ship…you had better not base it around beauty in place of personality
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