Reviews for A Magical Journey
Kodoikari chapter 124 . 8/5/2021
Sheeeesh big W
Ghost Claw 001 chapter 12 . 8/5/2021
Lmao having trouble with HR
Guest chapter 122 . 8/3/2021
Later on he can learn to add all kinds of interesting visual effects to him apparting with his super-illusion magic. Like a bunch of leaves, or sparks, or pretend to be a phoenix and a bunch of illusionary flames!
ExBlazE chapter 124 . 8/5/2021
Ooh. Interesting.

Quinn can't really do anything like that in Hogwarts. But in a different country, with a different identity, in an out of sight unimportant store, against hostile magical thugs?

It's stress relief as far as I'm concerned.

Thank you for the chapter! Seemed slightly longer than normal as well.
(Here's me reviewing as I promised to. Though I skipped last chapter because I don't like typing on phone.)
AngryOmelette chapter 124 . 8/5/2021
Ghost Claw 001 chapter 11 . 8/5/2021
Damn, that seems like it will take a long time
Guest chapter 122 . 8/3/2021
Good going!
PeliikGrahSol chapter 1 . 8/5/2021
one thing I want to mention, it is pointless to have a self insert that has no self. something I think is a failure, is to have the inserted character have amnesia, for it removes personality, and removes the need to even have a self insert because... it is just a plain old OC. Worse when there are memories, detailed memories of the fictional world, but little else.

Quinn is now just a dude thinking he is not Quinn but still is little more Quinn. His role as a reincarnation(of sorts) falls flat when the old person is no more but yet somehow, without any reason or ability can remember who they were or what made them, you know, them. How can Quinn know or even comprehend that he once wasn't Quinn? Being a self insert, he's kind of supposed to be you, but without any memories of being you... he is not you. he has nothing except Quinn and some knowledge that he somehow can remember.

It is a gripe of mine.
Hankton chapter 84 . 8/5/2021
Neville would probably feel more obligation for a permanent solution to his memory problem than years of help with the password
Raisahan chapter 96 . 8/5/2021
Really great and unique story. You put a lot of effort into this and it shows.
Ghost Claw 001 chapter 10 . 8/5/2021
Is the mind-somethinh actually works? I mean irl lol, i"ve read multiple fanfics and most of them have those as sell
Ghost Claw 001 chapter 9 . 8/5/2021
Heh i like how he was all smug about doing magic
Ghost Claw 001 chapter 8 . 8/5/2021
Lmao I get him, he doesnt understand why it works, olny that it does and if it works, then its ok
Irish Potatoes17 chapter 123 . 8/5/2021
is he going to go to Quinn to learn occlumency
phoenixfl24 chapter 123 . 8/5/2021
One of the best stories i ever read... takk
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