Reviews for A Magical Journey
Kachlicka chapter 30 . 7/10/2021
Just...what the hell is this guy doing exactly?
Kachlicka chapter 29 . 7/10/2021
Mc is getting kinda annoying imo.
Kachlicka chapter 24 . 7/10/2021
Considering that there are obvious changes in canon, his "knowledge" is not realiable. The marauder map was a shot in the dark. Also... He is officially a second year. He should display knowledge of first year only as he wants to stay kinda lowkey. What is the aid of someone like that worth to the others? The idea seems to not be thought through.
Doctor Doofenshmirtz chapter 106 . 7/12/2021
I just read all 106 chapters since yesterday.

It was years since I last read this long of a fic in basically a all at once. You kept me hooked for 24 hours basically.

You have my respect. Great story. It has it's flaws, but still, worth the read.
VonSeckendorff chapter 106 . 7/12/2021
hah . . . . a d20 reference
OhRyn chapter 105 . 7/11/2021
Under most situations I usually never leave reviews. However, this story is unlike others and demands an exception. I sincerely want to congratulate you on an amazing and enjoyable story, amongst all the many fanfics on this lovely site, yours might become the most memorable I have had the pleasure to read. Therefore, I give you my utmost gratitude and wish you a serendipitous journey. Thank you.
Kachlicka chapter 7 . 7/9/2021
Okay that contract obviously was not good enough. The fact that he could even be tempted to dive into his mind and steal his secrets shows a serious problem. There is no promise to not simply steal all his knowledge and then act on it himself.
Lord Yoshino chapter 105 . 7/11/2021
Wow that was so nicely done. Great job. Awesome way to re-enact the Patronus scene Quinn style. Perfectly in control. The fact that Quinn had already made this backup plan for an eventual crisis is so Quinn that I loved it.
Kodoikari chapter 104 . 7/10/2021
The short chaps trigger me a lil but, still a W chap
Boread97 chapter 55 . 7/10/2021
Well, I think I right about the colour.
Boread97 chapter 54 . 7/10/2021
Blue: Sloth
Pink: Lust
Red: Wrath
Yellow: Greed
Boread97 chapter 46 . 7/9/2021
I wonder, did anyone reading Harry Potter ever try to hatch chicken egg beneath a toad? Got to say that I often tempted to do so, but still manage to stop myself.
Boread97 chapter 14 . 7/9/2021
Well, while I usually dislike it when the author include the letter, but in your case I like it. This is because after you include the letter, you also shows us the French letter. I like your take in that. Like how I can make comparison between them. Good job.
Boread97 chapter 5 . 7/9/2021
D Family
student of the loss chapter 3 . 7/8/2021
this really good so far, suprised it hasn't had that much attention considering the genre, maybe change the description to include some of the popular searches?
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