Reviews for A Magical Journey
Boread97 chapter 14 . 7/9/2021
Well, while I usually dislike it when the author include the letter, but in your case I like it. This is because after you include the letter, you also shows us the French letter. I like your take in that. Like how I can make comparison between them. Good job.
Boread97 chapter 5 . 7/9/2021
D Family
student of the loss chapter 3 . 7/8/2021
this really good so far, suprised it hasn't had that much attention considering the genre, maybe change the description to include some of the popular searches?
bazuda1029 chapter 102 . 7/8/2021
i really think you should add the tags reincarnation, self insert, SI, OC-Insert or something like that in your describtion
I only found your fic through sheer luck
bazuda1029 chapter 102 . 7/8/2021
really love the story it's awesome and interresting
still hope for more Ivy interaction
renextronex chapter 102 . 7/7/2021
Lord Yoshino chapter 101 . 7/7/2021
Thanks for the chapter. Your story flows so smoothly that despite not liking OP MCs I just adore the way you write. You really are able to do the trope a justice. Will be waiting for future chapters. Great work.
Guest chapter 101 . 7/6/2021
Ooooo I do like this book! You have amazing writing and thorough explanations for your changes that makes sense unlike some books I’ve read. I can’t wait to see how Quinn will be against that Umbridge hag and then old voldy. Ignore this negative comments, you’re doing great!

P.S to whoever was it that was going on about being and admin and banning blah blah blah, tf are u on about? If you “dislike” this story, then don’t read it. Simple as that.
Vukk chapter 101 . 7/6/2021
Why do I feel the wrong rat is going to be found dead...
hpfan chapter 12 . 7/2/2021
Vukk chapter 94 . 7/2/2021
Pettigrew is in rat form. Poppy uses accio to summon various rats. Accidentally summons him for Quinn to take a test in front of her.
Vukk chapter 84 . 7/1/2021
You could easily have dark lord Quinn in the making here...
Mr Wavy chapter 95 . 6/30/2021
This is such a great story please continue
MC9000MK1 chapter 94 . 6/28/2021
Hebrew speaker here! tehom literally means chasm and while the word is used at the start of both the bible and the tora it doesn't refer to only the emptiness before god filled the world with water. its actually a commonly used word in Hebrew.
Vukk chapter 42 . 6/27/2021
So you seem to be leaning toward Daphne as the potential love interest. Or will it change to Ivy later on?
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