Reviews for Heir to the Blacksmith
Something is buried alive chapter 45 . 1/24
Okay, what I've realized so far is that i need to wait for Chaldea, the third battle of Scathach against Shirou and maybe Merlin. Well, first of all, how is Shirou going to survive on Avalon at all? As far as I know, the concentration of mana there is enormous, and our precious blacksmith is still a human being, despite his strength comparable to Heroic Spirits. Secondly, will Gil appear almost immediately or only in the 7th Singularity? I sincerely hope for the second option to stretch out their meeting with Shirou, but I don't mind his earlier appearance. And with that said, I'm going back into the grave. Good luck writing this fanfiction, I will look forward to a new chapter.
Just a bored Highschooler chapter 45 . 1/6
just realized I haven't left a review. anways poor poor shirou suffering the wrath of his girls lmao
RedWolf705 chapter 14 . 1/4
You know, even knowing Ea-Nasir's story, you really have to wonder what he actually did to piss Gilgamesh off so much. Did he give Gilgamesh a really bad day of having to listen to his customer's complaints?
TheSlySage chapter 45 . 1/3
heh thirsty MorganScathach lol I'm shocked They allowed him out of the marble without having their fun lol I can only imagine an alt end where by the time the reality marble shatters when GF/maid squad would see is the three of them in a sweaty pile with a pile of shredding clothing next to them lol they definitely wanted to lol
Guest chapter 45 . 12/29/2024
cute little scene in the make with Olga, I still find their relationship adorable. nice battle and scenes with Scathach and Morgan
R-king 93 chapter 45 . 12/31/2024
Awesome chapter
AnimeFan13579 chapter 45 . 12/30/2024
On review response yeah I just found the idea interesting that we have Shirou acknowledged as a King of Blades in a land where just like for Artoria there was a sword linked to having a tight to rule. Because mystery is returning to the world and part of Japanese culture puts a belief into the myth of the three sacred treasures. By Nasuverse logic that would actually give more weight to the three regalia actually having that meaning. Overall coming out to be that the ones that the treasures belong to are the rightful Rulers of the country. On his own Shirou could potentially get away with wielding and making use of the power of the blade which would have questions of his legitimacy to be the rightful ruler come up. Especially if he were to offer anyone else to try wielding the weapon and nobody else could do so. With the fact of the reverse side coming into contact with the world naturally brought up two beings with a connection to the blade as possible to appear. Tamamo being the one of the two with a connection to the myth of the three regalia bestowing the right to rule. Of course the whole thing with the blade wouldn't be to big of a point to do until start bringing in Japanese government setting up to make a move. Of course her appearing would probably be brought up involving a Killing Stone since her body was said to have become one upon her death. With return of mystery it would put a lot more weight behind many myths in the land especially so as it would be backed by the belief of the populace.

As for the chapter itself well can certainly see Scathach enjoying herself in that spar with Shirou. She may in a sense be seeking someone who could actually manage to kill her and sees that possibility with him. However could probably just as easily see her jumping him the moment he manages to get a win against her where he "could" have killed her. Would currently make her out to be someone who would basically get off on having an intense fight with the real clencher coming when the opponent has her at the brink of death.
fujin of shadows chapter 45 . 12/30/2024
From the way Shirou and the Mage Squad reacted to UBW, I am guessing that his reality marble isn't as simple as an armory or a walking forge that can craft a weapon that can kill anyone who step foot on it. I am looking forward and excited to see what you will do with UBW.

Also, take all the time you need for rest. Sometimes, decompressing is good for the mind.
xXwolfsterXx644 chapter 45 . 12/29/2024
Great chapter dude can't wait for the next update and to see the hunt
Spedyalarm chapter 45 . 12/29/2024
I still love this story.
Rajo chapter 45 . 12/29/2024
Well then, if last chapter was calm and cool, this one was explosive and maniac.
That was a very interesting fight, more so for what it means for the characters than all the, admitelly awesome, spectacle. Glad that the battle-maniac and the magic-maniac got their little special time with Shirou. Aaaaand it seems Medusa aaaalso got to finally have the other type of special time with Shirou she had been wanting, good for her! :P
Poor Artoria on the other hand... well, at least she's being more outwardly emotive, eh? Suuuure, it's mostly anger, but hey, baby steps.

Anyway, our protag group seems to be back to 100% and ready to get back in the game. Good, it's not like things are getting any less troublesome out there.

As for what I can do?...well...mostly pout like a petulant child until march comes around? Yeah that looks about right. :D
Anyway, thanks for the chapter! Hope you had some good holidays and that it continues up to the New Year and all until march. Rest well friend. I'll definitely be eagerly waiting your return. :)
CataclysmusWind chapter 45 . 12/29/2024
I think I know how Morgan will incarnate herself. She's been destroying those labs made by her counterpart, she's likely figuring out an alternative idea for making a body. And her in the modern age fully incarnated, that would be interesting. Possibly in the cursed sense of the word. Or maybe she'd just have a fancy for very nice things, she is a Queen after all.
tkorn1001 chapter 45 . 12/29/2024
Awesome chapter It was nice to explore shirou reality marble more and that was an incredible fight scene between shirou and scathach also how does shirou reality marble compare to the gate of babylon now like if you take Ea away is sure significantly stronger than gil?
Conner Kumiai chapter 45 . 12/29/2024
Bueno, este tiempo de espera también serviría para que medites en más ideas que quieres implementar en el futuro.

Pero sigo opinando, sería genial un capítulo extra donde detallaras todas las espadas que ha forjado Shirou, sus origenes y habilidades y estadísticas.
AngelicWisdom chapter 45 . 12/29/2024
You know if you ever think to have the cover for this story changed maybe you could commission artwork of Shirou’s Reality Marble? Not that the current one is bad, it perfectly encapsulates what this story is. I just think it would be awesome is all.

Also, man i would love to see that fight between Scathach and Shirou be animated. I am also surprised she didn’t spring a different sort of battle on him lol. Great chapter all around and it ended with some Olga head pats which is great.
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