Reviews for Petrichor
Guest chapter 4 . 2/4
Working with concepts/ what a load of bs.
JohnnyDeReuscher chapter 30 . 2/3
It's nice to see another chapter coming up!
I really don't like to write comments (at least not in a foreign language) but I must tell you that I don't remember a story this pleasant to read.
Normally I only go for finished ones (can't take the missing ending) but I'm very glad I gave it a shot.
I hope the motivation comes back to you sometime. I'd love to see how your story unfolds.
Guest chapter 30 . 1/24
Wonderful story, the characters get better with every chapter.
Please post new chapters soon, love to see this story get completed.
jfliffy chapter 22 . 1/23
lol, a product manufacturer with something so desirable would never lock themselves into an exclusivity agreement like that. if the pots real value was 40 galleons, then a deal expecting exclusivity would have to offer funds over and above that enough to compensate for lost business. EG, the product is the desired item, it will sell regardless HP doesnt 'need' the greengeasses custom they same way the greengrasses 'need' his product, there are other potioneers etc, there are no other pots. thus, from a business perspective, HP would not offer terms of exclusivity at all really. and if you wanted it to be believable, then greengrass would have to be offering well above real value.

probably not the most important detail in a story about magic, but this was very procedurally innacurate to the point of breaking immersion. or, i guess, the immersion is that HP and Sirius are bad businessmen
Jimhh chapter 30 . 1/19
I stumbled across this story last year, I rember reading up to Daphne visiting Harry during the summer, I just finished reading it again. It's a very good story I just wish it was updated more often. I am not good at writing but I do love to read a good story and this has all the makings of being a good read so keep it up and thank you for sharing.
FotoDi chapter 30 . 1/17
I love Harry Potter’s “accidental” inventions.
I am still stunned that no one has thought
to harvest the basilisk! Harry does not se
to have many heirlooms

If it wasn’t Voldemort & his Death Eaters who destroyed the 148 hectare Potter property LAURELS Peak in 1980, who was it?

The most obvious plot thread you have added
is Charlus & Dorea’s MIA son: MANDON (?)

Charlus & Fleamont Potter were either twins or brothers, correct? They bought the 148 Hectare property in the Lake District together and built
up the Estate as the Potter Home: Laurels Peak

Both Charlus and Fleamont Potter were magically gifted — as born Potters & Peverells traditionally have been blessed by Gaia — Fleamont Potter was a talented Potioneer who worked with his wife the healer, Ephemia Potter née Rowle, to invent medical fertility potions. Although it is amusing to note that Fleamont Potter is best known for his widely popular beautification Potion: Sleakeazy’s Hair Tonic. [IRONY: Potter men do have wild untamable hair… a generational curse perhaps?]

In contrast, Charlus Potter was known as a persuasive and wily political orator as well as a deadly fighter and duelist.

How did Fleamont & Ephemia Potter contract the deadly Dragon’s Pox which killed them in 1980? Death certificates were issued from St. Mungo’s Hospital.

What happened to Charlus, Dorea and Mandon Potter? Did they die at Eagle’s Peak in the fires? How did all the Potter Family house elves die?

How did young 21-year-old newlywed parents James, Lily Potter and their infant son Harry escape the tragedy that took Eagle’s Nest?

This is your AU mystery.


(1) Fleamont Potter (1908-1980) and Charlus Potter are the sons of Henry Potter & Clementine Longbottom.

(2) Fleamont Potter married Healer Euphemia Rowle in 1938 against her Family’s wishes.

(3) Charlus Potter, Fleamont’s brother, eloped with Dorea Black (1920-1977?) and had to fight an honor duel with her father, Cygnus Black II.

(4) Fleamont Potter sold his invention SLEAKEAZY POTION for a lot of galleons that he used to buy a large property in the Lake County outside the town of Crossroads with his Brother.

[BACKGROUND PLOT ERROR: 148 hectares 0.571 square miles. The number you give in hectares is far too small! 1/3 of a valley!]

(5) Fleamont and Euphemia Potter lived in the small Potter Cottage in Godric’s Hollow in the west county until their new home Laurels Peak was built.

(6) Fleamont & Euphemia Potter had great difficulty conceiving a magical child. James was their late-in-life “miracle baby” due to their own potions research.

(7) James Charlus Potter had a male cousin named Mandon Potter, son of his Uncle Charlus & Aunt Dorea Black Potter.

(8) James Charlus Potter was born on March 27, 1960 and was very beloved & spoiled. He grew up at Laurel’s Peak.

(9) James Charlus Potter & Lily Evans were both sorted into Gryffindor at Hogwarts in 1971 and graduated as Head Boy & Head Girl in late June of 1977.

Sirius Orion Black III (November 3, 1959 - June 18, 1996?) ran away from his abusive parents, Walburga and Orion Black in the Summer of 1975 at the age of 15 and was taken in by the Potters at Laurels Peak.

(10) James & Lily were married on January 17, 1979.

(11) Harry James Potter was born on July 31, 1980.

(12) James & Lily Potter died during the evening of October 31, 1981.

At some point in time between January 1979 and October 1981, James and Lily moved to the old Potter Cottage in Godric’s Hollow (MoM Historical records noted the cottage was a Potter property since the mid 15th century).
FotoDi chapter 22 . 1/17
Cyrus Greengrass. Pureblood Slytherin (born in the early mid 1950’s) with two daughters and no sons. He is politically neutral but his eldest daughter was raised exclusively around purebloods. Cyrus sits on the Wizengamott and is from one of the Sacred 28 Familes. Cyrus married a pureblood Warbeck who is a Potions Mistress and talented herbalist. (Is she related to the famous magical chanteuse Celestina Warbeck?) Cyrus Greengrass is a businessman and deals in Potions ingredients. It appears the Greengrass Family maintained neutrality during Voldemort’s (1st) Blood War.

Hello? Rare basilisk parts?
FotoDi chapter 4 . 1/17
So, Harry is also blood related to the Longbottoms.
His great grandmother was a Longbottom. Neville and he are second cousins. Irrespective to the Potters’ Wills as well as the identities of Harry’s oath-sworn magical godparents, either Dumbledore or Augusta Longbottom ignored the blood tie between the Longbottoms and the Potters. Arguably Harry Potter is blood related tothe pureblood Death Eater, Thorfinn Rowle. Thorfinn Rowle, The Big Blond, was 68 in 1996 when Lord Voldemort broke the DE’s out of Azkaban. Delphini “Delphi” Riddle (born 1998, Delphi is the illegitimate half-blood daughter of Tom Marvolo Riddle and Bellatrix LeStrange, née Black.) was raised by the Rowle family [Harry Potter and the Cursed Child]
solaris86 chapter 30 . 1/16
Thanks for updating, hope your motivation and inspiration decided to stay :)
Happy new year!
Mav chapter 30 . 1/12
Absolutely love petrichor, it’s a shame you’ve reduced the frequency of your writing.
It’s full of novel ideas, and I can’t wait for harry to finally write out his rune scheme for the wards. You’ve not really described where the ward runes will be written, I envision a mini stonehenge aound the dawn oak (it will eventually grow out the too and tower over the henge) with each henge stone covered in the necessary runes.
Or maybe monoliths at each cardinal point, again covered in the runes that describe the wards. Obviously the stones would be warded against damage themselves like the dawn oak
edmoundking chapter 13 . 1/12
no ask prof ask greenfu!kas$?
edmoundking chapter 10 . 1/12
Pass was for Harry. Why is Hermione with him in the restricted section? Is Harry an idiot and needs everyone for studying anything that isn't runes?
SomeGuyFawkes chapter 30 . 1/11
Thanks for the update. Happy (past) and future holidays.
Grifith Moses chapter 30 . 1/8
Have Fleur join Harry’s family buisness the 2 of them would be great friends plus i can see her and Daphne becoming friends too once they talk it out.
Guest chapter 30 . 1/3
I don’t have an account, so this will have to be anonymous lol. I really just wanted to say, thank you for your writing! You are telling a delicate balance of a believable Harry combined with logical but whimsical magic, and an interesting romance plot. (Not to mention the pure blood stuff, which is kinda genius) So all that to say, thank you, your work is appreciated. (I’ve also read your whole story in the last 2 days)

Sincerely, your reader
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