Reviews for Then Came Love
gngoa chapter 61 . 3/13/2024
Hi, got to this a little late and didn’t know if I should comment throughout. But I enjoyed this very much thank you. I think it’s brilliant, that this universe is still alive for us to enjoy.
Sewtunes chapter 25 . 1/31/2024
The father daughter conversation in this chapter seems spot on. I liked how relaxed Castle appeared to be after the initial introduction to her father. I hope Kate takes her fathers comments to heart and gives them some serious consideration.
Tammy chapter 61 . 1/9/2024
I loved this story so much! It's so rare to find authors who capture the essence and personality of Rick and Kate, and you did a wonderful job. Even though this was a long story, I still wasn't ready for it to end. Thanks for continuing to write these characters. As long as you continue to write them, I'll be here to read them. :)
castle1958 chapter 61 . 1/3/2023
Thank you for this wonderful story. I enjoy your writing style very much.
Jbug47 chapter 61 . 12/23/2022
You have written a strong, delightful love story for Caskett! I enjoyed it very much! I’d love for you to write another one if a continuance of this one! Merry Christmas!
Jbug47 chapter 60 . 12/22/2022
Beautiful chapter! Well done!
ChaosNCoffees chapter 61 . 12/18/2022
For some reason I stopped getting updates on fics so I missed the last several chapters. Just finished the story. Thank you for your hard work I enjoyed it!
Eilrad chapter 35 . 12/18/2022
I really had to log in and comment. I loved how you had Castle finding the plot of his next book in this chapter.

They talk about press and reporters and his next book is actually about a gossip reporter and how much Nikki hates publicity.

Nice tie with cannon in every level. Anyway, I always love your stories.
Sally chapter 61 . 11/25/2022
Loved this story! Hope to see another story about Jake and Reese! Thanks so much!
FlavorCountry chapter 54 . 11/21/2022
The last two or three chapters have been nearly perfect. Only not watching it in 3-D on a TV hindered its realism.

You've done a wonderful job with these characters; done right by them.

thank you
Sally chapter 35 . 11/19/2022
Thoroughly enjoying this story! Thank you for keeping Rick & Kate alive through your writing!
dkcfan chapter 11 . 11/16/2022
I am so behind on my reading. I had started reading this story a while back, and now re-reading it and enjoying it. This was a hard chapter for Rick, but I trust that Alexis will settle down some and no matter how upset she may be, I hope she will be more respectful of her Dad. So looking forward to where you take us on this journey. Thank you for your continued support of our beloved Castle fandom. Great storytelling.
Suestan chapter 61 . 11/13/2022
Excellent story, one of the best that I’ve read in a long time. Please continue to write, and keep our Castle memories alive.
Bookwormw chapter 1 . 11/12/2022
A wonderful story with all sorts of emotions! I can only be selfish and demand more stories out of you! Love them! Keep up the awesomeness
rina123nike chapter 61 . 11/11/2022
what an amazing story it is. thank you very much for your hard work. We all can't wait for the next one
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