Reviews for Blood Magic
Guest chapter 15 . 5/27/2024
Occupational hazards is a very good name for this chapter lol.
Guest chapter 7 . 5/27/2024
Darknessdawns chapter 1 . 9/7/2023
This story can be found completed on Ao3.
m.a.n.y.a.l.e.o chapter 65 . 11/12/2022
i was unable to access it through schnoogle.
Guest chapter 53 . 10/22/2021
Okay, so Hermione is overbearing, bossy, irritating and then she has the audacity to act like the victim. And HOW did Harry just forgive her for forcibly taking his glasses. I would have been okay if he had slapped her at that point bcoz that's what I felt like doing. All of her actions have been brushed over with her facing no repercussions.ಠ﹏ಠ
mcrmyrangerbabe chapter 65 . 6/7/2021
Enjoyable well thought out and written but insanely irritating to have the story climax in another difficult to get site , especially after 65 chapters
AnarchyKnight chapter 54 . 4/20/2021
Okay, Im both in love with the story and hate some of the characters so godamn much. I can write a rant about Hermione alone! She's a stalker! She had no right to tell harry to let his hair down and take off his glasses, they were his! She's abusive, condescending, and jealous. There's literally nothing to like about her. Ron is much better, He has always been hotheaded but Hermione? ARRGGG! On a better note, I love Snape, Remus(Most of the time), and Draco.
tahminax chapter 64 . 2/21/2021
I hope Harry's father won't start crushing on his own son.
* amused laughter *
Harry seems to be growing into a real handsome bloke and not to mention quite intelligent and positively sly, other than just adorable bespectacled scarface of a reckless Gryffindor. I suddenly want to be his only girl.
tahminax chapter 54 . 2/20/2021
Well, it feels ... rather light after spilling out all the secrets. And I really really hope Ronald comes to his senses. I can face anything worst of the sort but a stupid bigoty is beyond me. Be it Draco or any elites.
tahminax chapter 53 . 2/20/2021
Ronald still appears tactless: to a horrible degree, terribly prejudiced and disgustingly shallow. I believe he thinks all the people to the Light's cause are awfully saintly.
* disdainfully glares *
I hope he comes to his senses soon.
tahminax chapter 46 . 2/20/2021
I despise to appear sentimental, but by the time Harry kneeled beside Severus' couch and offered he'd let Severus name one of his grandchildren and not to mention, the way Severus whispered pleasantries before Harry's supposed sleepy form, I clamped my mouth shut lest a choked whimper had escaped. Trust me, this is so heart-warming. Such a lovely relationship between a father and a son!
tahminax chapter 43 . 2/20/2021
I'd have never complained if their suspicion drew a line about 'Lily favoured Lucius and cheated on James', but Voldemort's spawn?! I'm aghast. They might be inquisitive but too far-fetched. Oh of course, what could you expect when they've got almost no clue at all? Everyone needs to start somewhere.
tahminax chapter 19 . 2/19/2021
And I thought my life was complicated - Yes, I quote on it.
I'll take a generous amount of time digesting all these.
Oh dear, never had to deal with such complexity. Though, sometimes, it appears amusing.
tahminax chapter 16 . 2/18/2021
This is so damn good.
And, people, hear me out! The rest of the story could be found on AO3 by the same user name and story title. I myself was quite befuddled upon quick glance at 'not completed' version of this story here but another quick search on the internet saved me from awaiting disappointment. Hope you all get there asap.
PurePreet chapter 11 . 2/3/2021
O.O, I swear if this happens, i will be scarred for life
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