Reviews for Magical Marvel
Trainion chapter 44 . 16h
Nice John Wick quote
Trainion chapter 39 . 16h
You gotta love fucking up the timeline
Trainion chapter 17 . 16h
Take a bow, young lady
Guest chapter 176 . 1/29
Didn't quite expect that ending. I did expect Dumbledore to be detected and confronted, but I expected him to fight and end up winning while Jasmine killed the snake stealthily, this breaking the prophecy
WarauAkuma chapter 27 . 1/17
The Kiroii Senko Reference was much appreciated
sunandkp chapter 378 . 1/1
Wow! That should describe it best.
cameron1812 chapter 60 . 12/25/2024
This is absolutely brilliant. Albus's downfall is the stuff of legends
Djberneman chapter 16 . 11/17/2024
Are you saying that Ouranus and Gaea were elemental survivors from Atlantis and that their children killed every other survivor of Atlantis?
Djberneman chapter 6 . 11/17/2024
I thought it was impossible to create food with magic. That should include duplication and conjuration.
redeyehawk23 chapter 191 . 11/16/2024
Hulk is like the best massive little brother ever.
Guest chapter 209 . 10/1/2024
So far has been a great fic, minor problem just to let you know… chapter 210 is displaying a “503 error” and says to contact admin… don’t know how to do that so I figured I’d leave a review and let you know.
Soul Sendant chapter 1 . 9/14/2024
another mentally ill gender swapped pile of bullshit nonsense
Barry winkle chapter 44 . 9/7/2024
Barry Wee Willie Winkle Is chad bro is older than nick and aint even immortal and bro is a canon character in harry potter
Guest chapter 12 . 9/7/2024
Not gonna lie lily is wierd if i was her i would wish that voldemorts kid was missing cus he would suck as a parent i men he is her worst enemy
Guest chapter 9 . 9/7/2024
Ngl no idea what this fic is gonna be about when it this fast and it is really not that good mc became super powerfull and none of it was written in chapter for what ever reason it could have easily been over 300k worth of stuff i mean more happen in that time that would happen in oringinal harry potter and there are fics with 300k words about one year of hogwarts so we could have gotten at least 200k worth about her studies how she experienced all the new stuff how she learnd about magic and how she got the bird how she made friends and so on and on
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