Reviews for The Rise of the Last Potter
toa1311 chapter 72 . 1h
The Gandalf quote was a bit much played straight. It kinda took me out of the narrative for a bit.
Zuzu969 chapter 5 . 8h
Thank you for not going with an evil headmaster. I tire of everyone hating on the old guy. It wasn’t great but he tried his best plus he was over 100 y/o lived through two world wars two magical wars and had so many regrets holding him down. I’ll admit some of his choices were suspicious but I’m glad with this Dumbledor. Thank you
shirousagi87 chapter 5 . 10h
I though when the description say good dumbledore, it was "for the greater good" dumbledore, look like that not the case, good to see him helping harry for once
Fiction Haven chapter 30 . 17h
Trained by the founders and privately coached by the so-called legendary dueller. Still got punked. Unless you are Indian, I don't get how in the bloody hell Potter got bested by Kapoor.
Fiction Haven chapter 13 . 21h
Muay Thai or Jiu Jitsu is more suited for self defense instead of Krav Maga that is more common among the military, unless you are planning to make Harry swing bayonet at his enemies, which I doubt would be the case. The internet may say Krav Maga is the deadliest martial art there is, but the most dangerous fighters in UFC are either Muay Thai or Jiu Jitsu practitioners. Now, if you think that things heavily differ given the usage of weapons, I would argue Kali from the Philippines will be better than Krav Maga given its broader usage of weapons. You should look up how Kali masters dismantle people with a pair of sticks—imagine what using a pair of machetes could do. If karambit or dagger seem cooler to you, then silat is your go to. Silat practitioners will spoil you with a beautiful dance and cut your arteries at the same time.
Fiction Haven chapter 9 . 23h
It's heading to the anime-level childishness
CCSakuraforever chapter 86 . 2/7
Está muy bueno el capítulo como le fue a Harry con el tema con Dumbledore en su búsqueda de los horrocrus de Voldemort mas que el otro no sabe que todos están cayendo de uno por uno sin darse cuenta más que poderes está mostrando la varita de sauco en manos de unos de su descendientes originales que es Harry.
Oye amigo te quería preguntar si te interesaria hacer una historia de Harry Potter mezclando con pendragon siendo el último descendiente de Arturo o uno de Kamen rider wizard
DaSalvatore chapter 86 . 2/7
Finally got around to catching up with this. Not bad, but it feels like we're having a lot of details getting left behind. While I've not always agreed with plot decisions, the story's foundations are solid with a lot of detail, whereas the newer chapters feel far more rushed and lacking depth. Like we're just quickly moving through a checklist of events to get to the finale.

Still, even if the writing is fizzling out, this remains a special story for me given its inspiration for my own writing.
jeremiahkelley93 chapter 86 . 2/6
Great chapter
WhiteElfElder chapter 86 . 2/6
I wonder if Voldemort will kill Narcissa and Bella when he finds out The Cup is gone?
Hudy Leak613 chapter 86 . 2/6
I can’t wait for the next chapter. Thank you very much. I really appreciate it and liked it a lot.
DarkRavie chapter 86 . 2/6
I really like this story. It's an excellent read and I look forward to reading what happens in your next chapter.
Power of Magic chapter 86 . 2/6
Glad that the locket has been taken care of and when Tommy boy uses the cup, only his pet snake will be left. If he finds out that his other Horcruxes are destroyed, I wouldn't be surprised if he'll scream in utter rage and fury. I wonder how Harry, Dumbledore and everyone else will find out where Voldemort is hiding out and how they'll prepare themselves to face off against him
sh777 chapter 86 . 2/6
Thanks for the update
arisu freedomstrikes chapter 1 . 2/6
Hello Dear,
I hope this message finds you well! I recently had the chance to read your story "The Rise of the Last Potter" and I was completely captivated. Your narrative is so engaging that I could instantly envision it as a breathtaking comic or animation.
My name is James, and I’m a professional artist specializing in comics, manga, character design, and animation. I work exclusively on a commission basis, providing high-quality, custom artwork that brings creative visions to life.
If you’re interested in commissioning (Paid) a project to turn your story into a visually stunning piece of art, I’d love to discuss the details. You can reach me through any of the following platforms:
Discord: freedomstrikes6523
Instagram: freedomstrikes007
Twitter: freedom_strikes
Email: freedomstrikes0111 gmail .com

Best regards,
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