Reviews for That muted sort of longing
BlankSpaceBlank chapter 10 . 7/6/2004
BOOK MARK! I'm reviewing here and not at the end because I have to stop! I'll read the rest later!


Be back in a few. So far it's wondeful!
LiLy chapter 15 . 7/5/2004
hey hey i really liked your story it had me hooked - please continue it - i want to hear more!

shadowed.phoenix chapter 15 . 7/5/2004
I'm so glad you updated, it's been ages! This story is so brilliant, and you're a brilliant writer, and you're characters are brilliantly real. I love the interaction occuring between Harry and Ginny, and I love the light flirtation. Your 'duel' between Ron and Ginny was amazing and original, too. And McGonagall's speech about Lily... I very nearly wanted to cry. It was beautiful. Please update soon, as this is simply the best Harry/Ginny fanfic I have ever read. (And I've read quite a few... a few hundred.)

Have fun in Turkey. (Or what I'm assuming is Turkey, what with your Turkish.)
sarunokona chapter 15 . 7/5/2004
honestly, i have to say that this is probably the best harry potter fic i've ever read! please please please hurry with the next chapter, you have no idea how anxious i am to find out what finally happens.
Steffi chapter 15 . 7/5/2004
hi! Its great to hear from you! The chapi was wonderful...the scene between Harry und Ginny...unbelievable! Please contiune soon, but I understand when you have work to do! So, cu again! sweet kisses and bye
yolanda chapter 15 . 7/5/2004
I'm SO glad you've updated, and didn't abandon this fic! It was great, as usual!
jill chapter 15 . 7/5/2004
wow. an update. finally.

harry is especially sweet in this chapter... and i like parvati's chatter as well.

let me guess, it was malfoy who was responsible for maeven's loss? and ginny and harry have some kind of emphatic connection?

I CAN'T WAIT for the next one!
pinkphoenix1985 chapter 15 . 7/5/2004
wow you finally updated!

hopefully the next part won't take ages to be posted!

what happen to maeven?

and what is up with harry?

update very soon!
Joe chapter 1 . 7/4/2004
This story is uber good. The telling of it from Ginny's standpoint to convey her fellings is refreshing too. If the rest is as awesome as the first chapter then I will be quite happy.
Chloe Black chapter 15 . 7/4/2004
Great Chapter! i was so excited when i checked my email today! i was like am i seeing this wrong? and the funny thing was the other day i was thinking maybe just maybe Serendipity will update soon! yay! i cant wait to see what happens next! are you ever going to tell us what Harry and Dumbledore talked about? i hope your having a great summer!

Keep up the good work!
sea-my-eyes chapter 15 . 7/4/2004
hey! don't stop there!

you're in the middle east? cool! what will happen to all this happening! :( :)

write more!
CollegeSmurf chapter 15 . 7/4/2004
So glad to see you writing again! I've been following this fic since the beginning. This chapter was absolutely...beautiful. You just seem to get the right words out and I'm just so incredibly impressed by your style. I don't know really how to express it but, you have a way of writing that makes the reader just feel the intensity and raw nature of every character. Great job and update soon!
hpgoldensnitch chapter 15 . 7/4/2004
Thank God! I love your story and I have been waiting for this chapter! Bless you! I hope things get resolved with Ginny soon. I like the way you portray her in this story. Harry needs to wake up and get a clue. Can't wait for the next update! I hope you are having a great summer in the middle east.
CatalinaWineMixer chapter 15 . 7/4/2004
Brilliant- absolutely brilliant.

I lost track of this story for a while, but I caught myself up, and I love it just as much as I did when I started reading it- perhaps even more so. The characters are truly themselves, and Ginny's struggle with Harry is written beautifully. Don't you wish that a guy like Harry would come and blow in your ear, cause I know that I do!

Thank you for updating! I can't wait for the next installment!


P.S. In either Chapter 13 or 14- I'm pretty sure it's 13- there's a forgotten beta's correction. Just letting you know!
kje chapter 15 . 7/4/2004
Wow...I had almost forgotten what I loved about this story, six months for crying out loud!, was it worth it. I'll mention some parts here, which you described beautifully and that I absolutely LOVED!


"Feeling jealous?" Harry piped up. "Orchideous." A purple flower shot out of his wand. He stomped on it once, picked it up and handed the crushed bloom to Ginny. "Here."

-This was absoluetly HILARIOUS! I actually started to laugh out loud, which is very unlike me, as I tend to only snicker loudly.. This time around i laughed REALLY hard, hehhehe, GREAT comic input :) Part of what I love about your story telling, how it's all so real, and with fantastic humor combined with goosebump- and butterflies-in-my-stumach-making (as Harry said, "It isn't that they(the words) aren't coming. It's that they don't exist.") words and phrasing...magic:)

Another piece proving you're a genious within writing:


Instead, he stepped forward and grabbed hold of her arms in a way that flooded her with memories and filled her with longing. She looked up at him, too shocked to say a word, but instead of pulling her against him, he just shook her slightly.

"Listen to me…you're….well, you're so beautiful that you…sometimes I look at you and it's like..." His words were soft but had a hard edge to them vaguely reminiscent of desperation. "It's-well, it's just impossible to…to…" He trailed off in frustration.

Ginny smiled slightly in sympathy. "It's okay, Harry. I know. The words aren't coming."

"No," he responded, locking his gaze with her own. "It isn't that they aren't coming. It's that they don't exist."

-This was SO beautiful, I lack words. Seriously. You captured his struggle to find words, and...and the way she longed, God, I could feel my own heart long for something I didn't even experience! That's what you can do, make people really CARE for the characters, and live through them..Feeling the same things as them, at least as Ginny, getting our hearts broken and our hearts swell with joy and hope! Sorry if this review is all cliche'd, but I just thought I had to give you at LEAST one thorough review so you know what I love and how much your writing moves me..

Another passage:


Ginny wanted to do many things in that moment. She wanted to laugh, to tell him he was crazy, to kiss him senseless and to tell him she loved him, to run away because she was embarrassed, to tell him she'd never thought he could be so beautiful as he was to her at this very moment, but instead, all those words and actions got stuck in place, and all she could do was stare at him. Stare at him and wonder what on earth she was doing, how she was ever going to get out of it, and why she would ever want to.

-I don't know how you do it. Describing a girls feelings so spot-on, something every girl has experienced before her but noone has put it down in words as well as you.. I, once again, could feel and recognize exactly how she was feeling and the position she was in..Hehe, your head must have swelled alot throughout this review, but don't worry, just let it swell. It's definitely worth it.

And a final part:


Ginny's eyes flew open in shock, however, when, instead of hearing him walk away, she instead felt a gentle but steady stream of air against her ear.

She stared up at Harry in surprise and he rewarded her with a slow, mischievous smirk, his green eyes dancing playfully behind his glasses.

Her stomach clenched and she felt her face flush, but, unwilling to let him get the best of her, she returned his smirk and, somehow, found the nerve to add a wink.

He stepped back, his face breaking into a full fledged smile and he nudged her in the side, his fingers lingering a beat too long against her hip, before continuing on his way.

- God, Harry is making Ginny AND me go nuts! WHAT does he WANT? A shiver literally went down my spine when I read it.. Pleasant but at the same time frustrating, just as Ginny described it later; "He'd left her feeling puzzled and off balance and yet, strangely happy. There was a joyful edge to her anticipation in seeing him next and she relished it." Somehow, without having experienced this myself, I know EXACTLY how she's feeling, and most importantly, WHY. Something not alot of writers in fanfiction can back up.

There, my review, hope it wasn't too long.. The longest I have ever written, and it feels SO good, to let you know exactly what I think and being able to put, if not all, then some of all the thoughts that went through my head while reading it down. Can't wait for the next instalment!

*Abrazos* Karen
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