Reviews for That muted sort of longing
Chloe Black chapter 14 . 12/30/2003
oh you finally updated! i was so excited! its very good...but what did Harry and Dumbledore talk about in that previous chapter? will we ever know?
Dont mind me asking but, will the next update be fairly soon?
Keep up the good work!
Lo chapter 14 . 12/30/2003
Thank you! It was great to finally read a chapter again after so long! I love how you characterize Ginny- and have a portion of the plot based on her learning what love is, and finally accepting it! Hooray! Update soon please!
ElizabethMM chapter 14 . 12/30/2003
I hope the story will get in better for Ginny- it's possibly the best story i've ever read as in how well written it is.
ElizabethMM chapter 13 . 12/30/2003
That's so sad! Nice, but sad, and Harry is a real pig...for doing this, I mean.
ElizabethMM chapter 12 . 12/30/2003
Aw!Poor Ginny...and Harry, I suppose- It's dumbledore's fault isn't it? GR!
Anyway, good luck at law school.
FemmeDraconis chapter 14 . 12/30/2003
I've never really thought about people like Susan Bones until the Fifth Book. I really hope that she comes to Ginny before she leaves. Great chapter.
scangel72 chapter 14 . 12/30/2003
Please, please, please write more. And soon! I just found your fic and spent the entire afternoon reading it. IN fact, I even printed it out so I could read it while I did work and such. I can't wait to see where this goes!
Esther chapter 14 . 12/30/2003
I love this story. I almost gave up on it since it's been a while since you updated. And I have to say thank you for sticking with it. I've read loads of Harry and Ginny but this is so great. It's also a Ginny story. I like that you give her her own friends (I particularly find her relationship with Neville very sweet) and her own identity seperate from the trio. And her feelings for Harry are so special and raw and unique in your story. You make Ginny such a real character, as you do with the rest of the characters. Excellent job. You do not know how elated I was to see that this story was updated. :D
I'm looking forward to what you have in store. This is such a special story and I'm very glad you've shared it with us. :D
Veritas et Aequitas chapter 14 . 12/30/2003
Okay, look. I love this story, and I love you for writing, but I may have to kill you if you keep me waiting several months to see what happens next. I understand that teenagers are stupid and that Harry is conflicted and that something's going on that we don't know about yet, but this is just plain mean. If they have to be just friends, you've got to at least tell me why. I meant it when I said I'd still be here when you get time to put more up, but it's killing me to have to wait for it.
Wanderer.247 chapter 14 . 12/29/2003
Luv it! I have trouble getting into the site, Sink Into Your Eyes - . . Is anybody else having the same problem?
Eraserhead chapter 14 . 12/29/2003
I've forgotten how good this story is. Please please continue.
CravingPassion chapter 8 . 12/29/2003
" You hair is really...long." Ha! Brilliant!
love the story.
Brattychick1771 chapter 14 . 12/29/2003
OMG such a good chapter! You have to update soon! Im dieing to know what will happen. Keep up the good work.
Aeris Deathscythe chapter 14 . 12/29/2003
Brilliant. Positively brilliant.
CravingPassion chapter 6 . 12/29/2003
I think your story is really good, it's suphisticated, it's bright, it's bloody briliant.
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