Reviews for That muted sort of longing
ABC123 chapter 14 . 12/29/2003
I had forgotten the feeling that I always had when I signed on and saw that the story was updated. I loved this chapter. I loved the Susan?Blaise, and it tugged at my heart when Susan told Ginny, 'I would love to be able to just sit in the common room with him.' And what, oh what, does Harry have to show Ginny. And what was going on with Luna's dream? And honestly, as much as I love the story, isn't it true that absence makes the heart grow fonder?
Veritas et Aequitas chapter 4 . 12/29/2003
I'm pretty sure that Katie, Angelina, and Alicia, were all in the same year as Fred & George, and would therefore all be gone.
In spite of that one point, I LOVE THIS STORY!
I don't know if you remember the email I sent you (I think it was an email, might've been a review), but I found this story back in August on GT and was very sad when I got to the end of all that had been posted. I have been waiting patiently for several months because I know your law school commitments have kept you from posting further. Now that a new chapter is finally up, I've decided to go back and read it again from the beginning, since I've read so many fanfics in between.
I'm enjoying it every bit as much as I did then. And even if it means I have to wait until after your next semester, I'll still be here, so don't stop writing this story, please!
CravingPassion chapter 5 . 12/29/2003
What is wrong with Harry- well, I s'ppose I'm going to understand the answer to this question next chapter or something...
QueenB chapter 14 . 12/29/2003
This is really very, very good stuff!
I just love your characterization of Ginny, I'm really hoping it's all going to be all right in the end!
But, that's up to you, right? *grins*
hrhobo chapter 14 . 12/29/2003
Oh, jeez, what a wonderful place to end it off. *rolls eyes* Well, now since you've got me MORE antsy than before, with all the wonderful angst and this relationship with Susan and Blaise... I just hope that RL won't be such a boob like last time.
CravingPassion chapter 4 . 12/29/2003
I really really like your story.
angel chapter 14 . 12/29/2003
wow, it was really good...i've waited for this story forever, i', really glad you updated
please hurry i can't wait for the next're a very talented writer!
moonkitty chapter 14 . 12/29/2003
I realize it must be hard to find time to update, especially with your studies right now, so thank you for this holiday treat! As always, your character-to-character interplay was wonderful, Ginny's mental wanderings were beautiful establishing points, and I can't wait to see more. Thank you for maintaining this story and until then we'll all be eagerly waiting for more.
Anne chapter 4 . 12/29/2003
Wow. I usually don't review till the end of stories, but I am in awe and just thrilled to be reading this one! Wonderful writing talent and imagination. I am excited to be reading about familiars as Rowling hasn't ever delved into that aspect. THanks for sharing your talent!
Delylah chapter 14 . 12/29/2003
Seeing this update made my day. What a wonderful chapter. Glad to finally discover what has been going on with Susan Bones. I didn't imagine it was anything like that. I hope we see more of Blaise in future chapters of your story.
I can empathize with Ginny's struggle to simply be friends with Harry. I've tried that before, and it's very difficult. I can imagine it would be 10 times as difficult if you were almost certain that the other person felt the same way for you as you did for them.
Your writing makes Harry and Ginny jump off the page and come alive - your development of their relationship is very believable, though heartrending. And your take on Neville is absolutely delightful. Thanks for sticking with this story, even though you've got so much on your plate right now. I'll keep reading, no matter how long it takes for the next update, because this story is worth it.
Jaquelyne chapter 14 . 12/29/2003
Grabs the Overworked Law student for a hug!
Thank you for the lovely update! Learning to be friends again can be hard.
When I saw the update I was hoping that it wasn't another authors note, but it wasn't. Thank You for a wonderful belated Holiday gift.
bo chapter 14 . 12/29/2003
Curse you angst writers... curse you for making a story 5,0,0,0 times better than any other, giving it a happy ending, making us all feel fuzzy inside and then ripping it away with a stream of horribly depressing... stuff.
Anyway your character is great, Harry is like me, but cooler. At times a total jerk, at others a really nice guy, but it's clear there's always a reason however he's acting. Ginny is quite well done as well, considering her almost non-entity status throught the book series. A few things are a little unbelievable... the way all people seem to be interested in Ginny in some way as it seems... I'd love to read subsequent chapters though... I just hope at the END there will be some semblance of, if not necessarily happy ending, a satisfying one...
ZanyMuggle chapter 14 . 12/29/2003
It's good to see your work again - I re-read from chapter one to catch myself up. You have an ease with the scenes and characters that makes writing look easy when I know it isn't. And you've added the extra "power" of Ginny's - the phoenix companion - in a subtle way; i.e. you've given Ginny an added facet rather than a "superpower".
Well done. I look forward to more. Soon?
Nukular Winter chapter 14 . 12/28/2003
I'd just like to say that I think your characterization of Harry is spot-on. His communications skills (quite frankly) suck, but since the books are all written from his perspective I tend not to notice as much. I am finding it really interesting to look at Harry from a different viewpoint.
I have only one thought: Why didn't Ginny talk to Harry at Christmas, after his change of heart? If nothing else, Harry at least owed her an explanation, and I just can't see Ginny as being docile enough not to request one (not post-OOTP Ginny, anyway).
Anyway, thank you thank you thank you for updating. I love this story, and I'm praying that you're able to finish writing it before you go back to school, and I have to wait until next summer. Probably not, though, oh well.
bo chapter 2 . 12/28/2003
oh... this story seems to have been transformed from a fair story to a brilliant story. Didn't read it before, but the way it seems to be going an OC would screw everything up. Whatever, my point is that this is a truly awesome story so far... I'll probably review again when I get to the end but I don't see a reason why it'll start sucking from here on
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