Reviews for That muted sort of longing
divvy chapter 14 . 12/28/2003
This story is probably the best one I've read (i read HP FF for hours on Your talent for writing is totally amazing and all your characters are VERY on character - great job with that. I love the emotions in play and I love the whole Tonks/Lupin and Luna/Neville thing :) You make everything seem so realistic in your story - like it could be something that Rowling would write about (did that make any sense?)
Perhaps you should have a better summary - more descriptive, let people know more. no offense but the summery made your story seem like every other HPGW story there is and trust me its not, its VERY unique. Also all the fights with Harry and Ginny at the beginning got confusing - maybe clarify things a little better? Like afer the night-long snogfest maybe?
I hope i didnt sound too critical. I love your story - as the british would say, bloody brilliant. Cheers, have a good day.
Belinde Maline chapter 14 . 12/28/2003
Excellent chapter, as always.
I enjoyed the angst love twist with Susan and Blaise.
Sometimes I get the feeling that you want to deny or over analize Ginny's emotions if they are negative. A girls allowed to have an off day and think of only herself. Please allow Ginny to have some emotional flaws. I loath the term, Mary-Sue but in this case it feels like you are pulling her that way. A character can only be real if it has flaws. You give her flaws but then tend to correct them right away.
Give her, her moment. Giver her right to be selfish in her feelings. It won't make her a bad person.
Looking forward to your next installment.
Until next time. . .
uremia chapter 14 . 12/28/2003
finally, finally, you updated!
it was really frustrasting when i found that the 11-26 posting was not a new chapter. i hope you post more chapters now that it's christmas break.
i like your perspective on the slytherin house. it does seem that a big part of the success of the order or even the ministry in the fight against voldemort depends on the actions and contributions of the people from the slytherin house. and they won't be credited for it, just like what snape is doing.
i always thought that snape is one of the more interesting characters in the potterverse since he is in the gray area. the others are easy to class; they're either good or bad (or simply neutral humungous blockage). hope there's more on snape and more on the slytherins.
Whizzy chapter 14 . 12/28/2003
Ug, no way am I going to start over and reread an agsty fic like this! NO-WAY! Not an angst fest. I have no desire to go back into that well of self pity an insecurity. If there are any other major changes to be aware of (like, hmm, does EVERYONE suddenly know the prophecy?) just put it in a note. Are you going to be able to update **regularly** from now on./ Because if not, well, frankly, just tell me and then I'll knowck this fic off my fav list. If there is one thing I hate and hate to recommend it is abandoned fics or slow ass fics that have no updates for over...four months. Sorry if this sounds bitchy but if this story was just for you, then you'd write it on your own time and not post it online until it was complete. But you are posting chapters as they're completed, so please, it is only common courtesy to give your readers an estimate as to the timimg of updates and then to stick to it your promises.
ShadowReader chapter 14 . 12/28/2003
I love this story. It's one of the best ones I've ever read, and to see you've finally updated is wonderful. Anyway, I'm glad at the developments that occur in Ginny's character. She's very well drawn, while still being in-canon. Your insight into the different characters and their situations is marvelous, and I hope that it doesn't change. Update soon, and good luck with the next chapter.
just an0ther weasley chapter 14 . 12/28/2003
oh man, the suspense is killing me. pleasantly surprised my the update message in my inbox, and I wasn't disappointed. poor susan. don't leave us hanging for too long though.
KEDme chapter 13 . 12/27/2003
I first read this on Gryffindor Tower and loved it. I was hoping that you had updated, but... alas, I am still left hanging. Hopefully you haven't given up on it. It's getting too good to stop now! Will H/G get together? Will Harry let his nobility get in the way of true happiness? We need a happy ending!
stezki chapter 1 . 12/21/2003
hi this is a gr8 story...very emotional and detailed its gr8 u had me jumping around the house and im not kidding ...well, update ASAP and well done!
Miaka Mouse chapter 13 . 12/19/2003
i am absolutely loving this.. so IC and fits cannon so well! i could seriously see this being the 6th book in Ginny's POV.. i love how emotionally involved this is while still being so subtle... beautiful!
Wanderer.247 chapter 14 . 12/15/2003
Excellent story!
FemmeDraconis chapter 2 . 12/13/2003
I feel like you've captured everyone so well. Especially Ginny and Harry, and even the twins. I miss Sirius unbelievably, but I've never tried to write a fic about it. You do it so well. I can't believe I never found this story before, and I can't wait to finish. I'm going on to the next chapter! Great job.
PrincessPunky chapter 14 . 12/11/2003
This story is wonderful. For awhile there I was really angry at Harry, then I was happy when I thought they had gotten together, now I'm about to die from wondering what happened with Dumbledore and all to change Harry's mind. I don't know how Ginny managed to handle it so well. I really hope you get to update soon. Good luck on your exams. :D
gaineewop chapter 13 . 12/10/2003
you're trying to kill me, i know it! *sigh* Anyway, good luck with school and update soon please!
BubblyFizz03 chapter 14 . 12/3/2003
Thank you for letting us know. I'll have to read the whole thing again in time for late december then :o)
Good luck in your exams - I know how they can eat all your time. My stories are not being updated until late january, after my exams. But i'm still reading, and really looking forward to your update!
Sara x
AHBAHH chapter 14 . 11/29/2003
hey i happened to c ur fic and it's fantastic... wow, it's really very different from others. Hmm... i bet dumbledore said something to harry that made him change his mind abt loving ginny... i like ur description of things, good! charlie and bill is another version of fred n george, very hilarious!
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