Reviews for That muted sort of longing
RuthErin chapter 13 . 9/3/2003
*sigh* it is stories like this that make me love H/G fiction even more, if that's possible.

It is all so well written and well thought out. And just for the record, I love the whole chase scene with Srthur turning into a canary, etc. It's so very Weasley-ish, isn't it?

Update soon! RuthErin
Hanna chapter 13 . 9/3/2003
This story is amazing! I couldn't wait for updates on Checkmated so I sneaked over here to read more, and I'm absolutely awstruck. There are just not enough stories like this, well written and so real. Can't wait for more!
Lautauro Padlin chapter 13 . 9/3/2003
I've just looked at the clock, and it's 7AM. I've been reading this since 2AM.

I... I don't know what to say. I'm simply overwhelmed at how compelling this story is. I'm floored. Best one yet. Even if you ended it here, I couldn't ask for better. I'm almost tempted to insist that you do so. However, since I find myself becoming quite addicted to your writing, I could never suggest anything to you other than to keep up the fantastic writing.
kje chapter 13 . 9/2/2003
wow, great great great story! its just perfect for me, the way you describe everything, it's amazing! i got so annoyed by harry, but in a good way;) keep up the writing and update soon, can't wait!

misobuttercornramen chapter 6 . 9/2/2003
I've been going through all your chapters, reading and re-reading them until I've understood most of what's happened thus far. I've also (finally!) noticed the deep impact your last sentence leaves upon the reader. That's a really cool literary device to use and I'm surprised I didn't notice it before. Anyways, now I finally understand all the moments where Harry seemed to be jealous were really meant for Ginny and not Cho. Am I correct?

I can't say how much I love Harry and Ginny in this fic. Harry seems like a normal sixteen year old boy, which I'm am extremely gracious for because he is NOT a hero (as demonstrated very well in the second movie where Harry shows he has zero swordfighting skills). From quiet moments in the astronomy tower to heated, passionate fights, Harry and Ginny are just so life-like it makes me want to cry!

Also, I'm grateful that you've taken every twist and turn of a teenage girl's life and not poked fun at it or exaggerate our woes and worries. It's funny, really, how I can almost relate to a lot of what Ginny is going through, with her being a British witch and me being an Asian-American sophmore.

The title is great, too! I forgot to mention this in past reviews, but your title seems to fit without being EXTREMELY vague, like most titles seem to be. I think a title is very important, because I look at titles and if it seems sort of original, like "Love Hurts" or something like that, I tend to stay away.

I've run out of things to say, for the moment, but earnestly await your next update!


Dragonfly chapter 6 . 8/31/2003
Wonderful, fantastic fic! Update! Random question: by any chance, are you an Indian? Because AAmir Khan is a famous Indian actor and you named one of your beaters after him, so I was just wondering whether you were a desi or not.
Jess chapter 13 . 8/31/2003
Another wonderful Chapter! It seems like things might work out soon, i hope! Thanks for updating, and write more when you get the chance!
Jess chapter 13 . 8/31/2003
Another wonderful Chapter! It seems like things might work out soon, i hope! Thanks for updating, and write more when you get the chance!
sum1special chapter 13 . 8/30/2003
I like it ! I love it! I want sum mo of it!
Lady Catwoman chapter 3 . 8/30/2003
Yay! Luna's in this! oh, and this is an awesome story. You're a really good writer!
DarkAislinn2012 chapter 13 . 8/30/2003
WOW! I absoultly love that story. It's so good, I almost cried, I laughed, and I got angry. It's a wonderful and beautiful story. Please email me when you get the next chapter up.

misobuttercornramen chapter 13 . 8/28/2003
That was fantastic. I love how they make up right away. Well, how is law school? Difficult, I imagine. Good luck with that!

Hm, that didn't take too long to update! Only six days! Well, about this chapter: I love the reminiscing. It's great how everything she's thinking and feeling is described in such great detail that the reader can understand and partially feel what is going on inside the character. It allows us to "connect" with the characters. Plus, I loved that wacky Weasley part. It's great to balance out the dramatic parts with the silly, quirky moments that are apparently endless in the Weasley household. Finally, the Harry/Ginny moments at the end of this chapter were refreshing. I like it when they can just enjoy each other's company. It's funny how Ginny can be so angry at him one minute and so in love with him the next. Well, love'll do that to you! Hm, I said finally in the comment before this one, but I really meant PENultimately: now, for my ultimate comment, my overall favorite line was where she stated that she loved Harry for years and now she should start acting like it. Great stuff, that is.

Loads of depth to this story, alright. I like, I like!

Well, guess I'll patiently await your next update!


Jedi Amoira chapter 13 . 8/28/2003
This is a consistently honest and well-written story, and I'm really looking forward to what happens next!
Eidyia chapter 13 . 8/27/2003
Well, you know it isn't a true love story without twists and turns. The story is very well-written, and I can't get enough of it. This chapter was very good, one of my favorites of the story, because of Ginny's maturity. She really came to grips that love has more than one face and that no matter what, you should be there for the ones you love. Hopefully Harry and Ginny's love becomes more romantic, but I like that they're still holding on to the friendship. You've written beloved and interesting characters, well done!

Buttamellow chapter 13 . 8/27/2003 I'm going to cry. Poor Ginny. I want her and Harry to get back together. When are you going to enlighten us about why Harry suddenly cut it off? Bring back the fluff soon! Loved the chapter by the way. The whole breakfast scene had me laughing hysterically!
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