Reviews for That muted sort of longing
Serenity55 chapter 12 . 8/22/2003
what is up with Harry? good plot though. luv ur story. update fast and keep your fans on their toes.
Andy7 chapter 12 . 8/22/2003

What are you doing here? After I finally managed to read chapter 10 I thought, OK things are finally getting like they should be, and now this... I know you want angst here, but couldn't you be a little bit carefull? You have H and G only on loan, they are not yours to do what to you wish...

Hope you will fix this, BEFORE going back to school of yours...

lise carew chapter 11 . 8/21/2003
oh, had to add that i utterly adore neville and luna in this story!
lise carew chapter 12 . 8/21/2003
wah, that last chapter made me so sad! you better not "leave it that way"! really, i am very impressed by your ability at plot and character developement, which far too many ficcers ignore, AND your grammer was outstanding (you could say i'm like hermione in that way, if that seemed like an odd compliment...). the buildup to the relationship was not at all obvious and totally believable. good luck with law school, but, most selfishly, i hope you still update!
darKpetalSofbluE chapter 12 . 8/21/2003
Oh...oh, oh, oh...This fic is really, really good. It's my favorite HP fic ever! But please, please, PLEASE update soon!
missmalaprop chapter 12 . 8/21/2003
This is so good. How could Harry do that though? ARGH. Please, please, please update SOON!
LoopyLoony chapter 12 . 8/21/2003
cant wait for more found this this morning and couldn't stop reading until i got to the end.
Ginny Weasley chapter 12 . 8/21/2003
Aw, that's so sad. Harry SUCKS! What a jerk! Poor Ginny, but it had better work out or I may have to hunt you down and destroy you, j/k. Great chapter, and I understand about the updates being less and less. Just work it in when you can, I'll be waiting!
Jill chapter 11 . 8/21/2003
I absolutely love the idea of Harry and Ginny as a couple! They make such a perfect match! aw! Anyways, your story is wonderful! Possibly the best one out there. How could Harry do that to Ginny! YOU HAVE TO UPDATE YOUR STORY AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, BECAUSE MY HAPPINESS DEPENDS ON IT! LOL Thank you mucho!
Brooke Lake chapter 12 . 8/21/2003
This is so good. I understand about law school, but still, try to update soon.
Entilzha Ranger chapter 12 . 8/21/2003
OMg! I can't believe Harry did that! Poor Ginny. You know what? I bet it was Dumbledore who said something to Harry about it...Gr...

That was just to sad for words.
Lourdes chapter 12 . 8/21/2003
Law. Oh, dear. You are a glutton for punishment, aren't you? Good luck. Sigh... few and far between? I really would like to see the end of this brilliant story. I trust H/G will eventually get together? This to and fro tug of love and war is very exhausting emotionally and mentally.
theauthorthatwrites chapter 12 . 8/21/2003
What the F* is wrong with Harry! Make him better!
summerbum chapter 12 . 8/20/2003

I like your story lots, and have been following for a while, but really the point of this review is to wish you luck in Law School. I, too, begin Law School this Monday, so I know exactly what you're going through. I've never been more nervous and anxious and ecstatic about anything in my life!

~ summerbum
misobuttercornramen chapter 12 . 8/20/2003
Ah, no! A sudden twist for the worse... It's too bad that you will be updating fewer, but that's great that you're starting law school! Congrats!

Anyways, back to the chapter... Was it his meeting with Dumbledore? Does he really not like Ginny (I'm guessing that he does like her)? Is he afraid that she'll be in danger if he's with her? Questions, questions. I hope they will be answered as you update! I think I've mentioned this in one of my reviews already, but this is the BEST Harry Potter fan fiction that I've ever read. Ever. I enjoy reading your chapters and I love how balanced the dialogue and "internal thinking" is. I *honestly* can't wait until your next update!


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