Reviews for That muted sort of longing
Heather chapter 4 . 7/11/2003
Well, I can't remember if I have already reviewed your story the first time I read it, but whatever. I find that your story is really well written and original. While I was reading I didn't pick up on any major problems, or any little problems for that matter. I'm sure if I looked closer there would be slight corrections that need to be made but obviously they do not detract from the story, so I wouldn't worry. Keep writing and working hard because I really want to know what comes next!
q chapter 5 . 7/10/2003
wow. you have amazing talent. i can't wait for the next part.
Midnight Raven chapter 5 . 7/6/2003
I love this story! Very good, realistic plotline, with a unique style complementing it. Please update soon!
Heather chapter 5 . 7/1/2003
Just thought I'd congratulate you on your writing of an excellent fan fic which I found to be quite creative. I hadn't read a story entirely about Ginny, and I thought the way you wrote it was quite good. I really don't have an critiques or suggestions, other than keep writing. I am quite curious as to what happens next.
NewbiaTheElf chapter 4 . 6/30/2003
Pro:Yay,another chapter. Like how the story is progressing,with Ginny over it and everybody helping her.

Con:While the story is progressing,it's progressing very slowly.

Pro/Con:Harry is such a PRAT. This was saved from being con because it's VERY funny,but isn't Pro because it's so FRUSTRATING.
Belinde Maline chapter 5 . 6/26/2003
I am very much enjoying this story and I look forward to future chapters from you.
K.C chapter 5 . 6/26/2003
I'm sorry I don't have the time to do a full critique, but just wanted to say you've done really well with one of the most important elements, characterization. :)
Midnight Raven chapter 4 . 6/25/2003
Very nice! You are a very talented author, and I hope you post the next chapter soon!
misobuttercornramen chapter 1 . 6/24/2003
Ah, yes, Harry and Ginny... I like the start! You have read the fifth book now, haven't you? It seemed like it was foreshadowing a Ginny/Harry type of get-together... maybe it was just my imagination? You know, when Ron was "giving Harry a furtive glance?" Anyways, I really like how J.K. Rowling has developed Ginny from a flat character to a more rounded character. I like how, unlike Ron, she can stand up for herself without blushing ashamedly and can shrug off Harry's tempered words, which is definitely saying something. She seems really independent and slightly cool (as in blase), more so than in earlier books when she was somewhat ditzy.

Not much else but I must say that I like your title. _~
NewbiaTheElf chapter 3 . 6/22/2003
I really like this fic. It's angsty without being a soap opera,and actually pretty realistic.
EmeraldDream1 chapter 3 . 6/22/2003
Really interesting story, I like it a lot so far and can't wait to see where you go with it in the future. Great job characterizing Ginny and I think it's really cool that you're having the rest of Gryffindor kind of rally around her.
ShamusTwinkletoes chapter 3 . 6/22/2003
Write more!
46329 chapter 2 . 6/22/2003
Hey! Well, I have actually turned into a G/H fan too (I don't know why- I just have!) This story is really well written, and in chapter 1, I loved the brother-sister bonding between Bill and Ginny- it was so sweet! Cannot wait for the next chapter!

Olde Magick chapter 2 . 6/21/2003
This is shaping up to be a really amazing story...Something about the 5th book turned me into a die-hard Ginny/Harry fan :) Please update soon!
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