Reviews for The Dragon and the Trickster
HeartOfChaos13 chapter 2 . 2/11
Another great chapter.
HeartOfChaos13 chapter 1 . 2/11
I think that this chapter Is great and the story is Interesting.
TheEternalExistentialist chapter 18 . 3/21/2024
Love it!
Mando-Vet chapter 18 . 1/6/2024
I sincerely hope you come back to finish this story one day. It's far too good to be abandoned.
Mando-Vet chapter 3 . 1/6/2024
Nice change. Very nice indeed.
gabelou1991 chapter 18 . 12/30/2023
Intéressant j'attends la suite.
gabelou1991 chapter 14 . 12/29/2023
J'aimerais pouvoir être qu'on voit ce que sont devenues les autres dans thor.
gabelou1991 chapter 10 . 12/29/2023
J'aimerais qu'il en y en plus .
Mais hemdal peut le voir ?
gabelou1991 chapter 7 . 12/29/2023
gabelou1991 chapter 5 . 12/29/2023
Je n'avais jamais réfléchi au parallèle entre les 2 mais la c'est trop gros pour être ignorer.
gabelou1991 chapter 1 . 12/28/2023
J'aime bien l'idée.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/14/2023
I knew this story was going to be horrible the moments you made Loki interested in Daenerys so easily from one simple meeting. It’s a pathetic thing on your part to make him so interested in her very easily to the point where he didn’t even reply to that bitch that was with her that was quite rude to him for no reason at all.
emmabean78 chapter 18 . 10/14/2023
I've never read anything with this premise before! It's super interesting and I'm really enjoying it.
Guest chapter 18 . 9/28/2023
has this stopped updating? oh noes...
Guest chapter 18 . 8/21/2023
It's such an amazing story can you update please? 3
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