Reviews for The Guild of Gamers: The Vampire
The Shadowed Scar chapter 12 . 2/12
Gods I love reading whatever degeneracy Raven gets up to next. She's such a merry little psychoslut~

Excellent chapter as always, Shiro!
Guest chapter 13 . 2/10
Finally leaving the village after more or less bleeding it dry for all its worth
evilstatistic19 chapter 13 . 2/12
Good chapter. I'm looking forward to the next one.
BSFRob chapter 13 . 2/9
Had to give this one a re-read. And after this one? Glad I did. Tension, drama, philosophy, and untapped potential.

Great one tbh. Not sure if I can read this after dinner but definitely a great one
StormySpartan chapter 13 . 2/10
Hope she ends up getting her hands on the ebony blade, since she's already so connected to mephala
cameron1812 chapter 13 . 2/10
And the delicious fake betrayal is complete and Raven's status as a "Hero" assured. Love it!
Kairan1979 chapter 13 . 2/9
Looks like the plan went off perfectly. I wonder how Raven is going to deal with Lucan.
mail4benni chapter 12 . 2/9
I really like the dark but lighthearted story
jaibradley21 chapter 13 . 2/9
jaibradley21 chapter 12 . 2/9
OniKaze22 chapter 13 . 2/9
love this fic one of my favorite skyrim fanfiction
would love to join ur patreon 1 day but until i can ill just read when u release for everyone
Kalstorm99 chapter 13 . 2/9
Awesome chapter! Raven is such a dastardly evil main character, and I love her for it, thanks for writing such a great story, Shori.
Travis99 chapter 12 . 2/9
I like it, its growing on me
Filip chapter 12 . 1/6
awesome job man keep it up
isawdisboat chapter 12 . 11/28/2024
Is she prego with a mimic kid(do they even have kids) she kinda lost to the mimic but im not sure if it counts
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