Reviews for Fantastic Foxes of Zootopia: Series 2
Guest chapter 76 . 7/30/2024
Still writing crap I see, of course you are a worthless sadist, with retarded fans. Yes you are retard in the mental state, because only a retard would write like this.
Guest chapter 4 . 7/17/2024
Project 2025 will lead to the outlaw of pornography, good! I want sick people like you off the internet.
True Guest chapter 3 . 7/17/2024
Would not surprise me if you are am animal abuser in real life.
True guest chapter 2 . 7/17/2024
You really need a new hobby
True guest chapter 1 . 7/17/2024
J Shute sucks
True Guest chapter 76 . 12/22/2023
Take it from someone who lives in a poor and ugly country and ruled by a tyrant for president.
True Guest chapter 76 . 12/20/2023
We are in free countries, one can comment whatever one wants.
True Guest chapter 76 . 12/17/2023
I KNEW IT, YOU ARE A HUMAN! Since I discover that you are a real person and not a bot, then you are the dumbest hater I ever met. Repeating the same thing over and over again change nothing. So please hater, just go away and do something with your life instead of living like an awful stereotype of a hater, repeating the same dull critic over and over again. Don't live like an awful hater stereotype and a scum of the society, live like a true human being.
The Real Guest chapter 76 . 12/15/2023
You are just a bot and a stranger for some reason I don't know. I'm a real person. And by the way Jack and Skye are the worst couple in Zootopia. Skye is a bitch and she will never be loved by Jack.
Real Guest chapter 76 . 12/12/2023
Stop talking, you're just a stupid A.I. created by some hater. I'm a real person and you are not. And I said that Jack and Skye are the best couple
Guest chapter 76 . 12/11/2023
Jack should think better of it and not be with that bitch Skye. He would have a horrible life and their children would be the most horrible and unpleasant thing.

The other guest isn't a real person, he is a bot.
Guest chapter 76 . 12/10/2023
Jack would have a horrible family life with Skye, and his children would be horrible. I hope Jack is saved from that fate with that slut Skye.
Guest chapter 76 . 12/9/2023
I can't wait to see Jack and Skye again. I'm excited to see a happy ending for these two, and their little kids too.

BTW, I'm the real Guest and I apologize for being a jerk to you. And don't listen to the other Guest, is just an A.I., not a real people
Guest chapter 76 . 12/9/2023
Jack x Skye sucks. Jack deserves someone better than her. Skye is a bitch and a slut.
Guest chapter 76 . 12/8/2023
Jack and Skye would be a very happy family, I can't wait to meet their children.
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