Reviews for The Concerned Citizen: Letters To Amelia
HowardAmos chapter 25 . 1/18
Excellent story so far.
I do hope you get as far as Dumbles getting into serious troubles.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/13
This harry is a bit of a pussy isn't he, why's he so scared of everything lmao.
Lordel chapter 25 . 1/11
Great story, looking forward to seeing Dumbledore's reaction to everything that has happened. Thanks for sharing
EternalKing chapter 22 . 1/7
Saying “Hey 11 year old, I know you’re losing your memories and scary shihh is going on, but you should have obviously told people that you were going crazy” is a wild statement to double down on. Where the hel was this treatment when Harry was hiding that he was hearing a voice? Totally removed a good portion of the good will this fic was getting for the legalities and responsibilities.
Majin Prune chapter 16 . 12/17/2024
can't wait for Dumbasswhore lashing next
Majin Prune chapter 8 . 12/17/2024
Ah, nothing like a good ol' Dumbassdore bashing in the morning to accompany my latte
Mobozo chapter 25 . 12/3/2024
This is a very good story. I like your plot line and look forward to reading more. Keep up the good work!
BeyondRubies chapter 25 . 12/2/2024
Ive just read this whole story today and i love it! Youve put in many great perspectives and tie them together wonderfully! I eagerly await the next chapter.
yoto chapter 25 . 11/24/2024
bon chapitre
mackiechandler chapter 25 . 11/25/2024
This story is so much fun. I hope you decide to continue.
Guest chapter 25 . 11/14/2024
Awesome story hope you will continue it
phoenix-rob chapter 25 . 11/11/2024
thank you
joelyn chapter 25 . 11/8/2024
Please more
OmaBlack chapter 25 . 10/25/2024
reread again, looking forward to more
BeyondTheDive chapter 25 . 10/21/2024
I am very much enjoying this story, followed!
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