Reviews for Odyssey of a Mage Part I
FayVeku chapter 1 . 23h
SebSpellbinder chapter 10 . 12/24/2024
Earning lots of money really shouldn't be hard for a time traveling, genius wizard with degrees in engineering and computer science.

He could just keep the snake -.-
Soraslove chapter 50 . 11/11/2024
Can't wait to read atticus tear things up!
Soraslove chapter 41 . 11/10/2024
Emily is such a piece of shit. That fact that she doesn't care if women are being raped at hogwarts is so retarded... I wish atticus wasn't a pussy and chose literally anyone else.
Soraslove chapter 33 . 11/9/2024
Snape is a fucker; I really hope someone else get's headmaster other than dumbles.
JohnThePlumber chapter 38 . 11/8/2024
Those were the edited version?
Soraslove chapter 21 . 11/7/2024
If he's willing to kill this kid? Why not riddle... keeping her alive cause he has a hard on for her, is so retarded.
Soraslove chapter 10 . 11/6/2024
At least atticus is smart enough not to leave a weapon around for riddle to use with impunity.
Soraslove chapter 7 . 11/5/2024
This atticus kid seems to bit of an idiot. Not taking care of riddle now is going to cause problems for him, deserved though I think.
Soraslove chapter 1 . 11/4/2024
True, dumbles does have issues, he is not him.
MajesticZ3BR4 chapter 12 . 10/25/2024
Hes still 12 what
MajesticZ3BR4 chapter 8 . 10/24/2024
Dungeon ravenclaw is in a tower
MajesticZ3BR4 chapter 8 . 10/24/2024
Wut amethyst i thought it was green
MajesticZ3BR4 chapter 7 . 10/24/2024
What about hogwarts huh?
MajesticZ3BR4 chapter 7 . 10/24/2024
But but his birthday is the 23 rd of september how?
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