Reviews for So I'm RyuKenDo, Deal with It! |
![]() ![]() ![]() i really hoe this story continues! |
![]() ![]() ![]() The second tokusatsu crossover with So I'm a Spider, So What?! Wow, that only means I need to quicken up the pace, this fired me up! Do you think we will start up a trend of toku stories in fantasy isekais like in that Red Ranger Isekai manga? |
![]() ![]() hey J abarekiller First off happy spooky season or terror time again. Its that time of year for the spooky scary skeletons to do their little dance XD Though I have more questions... Since western pop culture doesn't interest you much, And you only do tokusatsu stuff in anime, and game stuff in anime... But what of anime in tokusatsu... Because I'm curious of well would you think One Punch man aka Saitama or perhaps an o.c. that is of Saitama would do while isekai into a tokusatsu verse...all the while not having any kenshin devices at all, just having the unnatural strength to defeat enemies with just One Punch... For Certain villains or monsters that have say high regeneration or are quote on quote immortal...such as say Phoenix from Wizard it will still hurt like hell...till if they get another punch they die. Another question is of tokusatsu villains long in terms of the multiple factions being in an alliance whether Dai Shocker or Dai Zangyack as the examples. If they have won against either of their respective heroes how long would that alliance last before they are at each other's throats on whose faction would be the king of the hill till another group takes it by force... Cause we've seen heroes vs heroes alot but not much of the villains fighting against each other from grunts vs grunts, and more. Good luck on the next chapter and hope it comes soon. Stay safe and healthy. And happy early or belated halloween when the next chapter for any current stories comes out. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Are there more Future Crossovers for Ryukendo? |
![]() ![]() ![]() In response to Austin I thank you very much for your kind words. Also yes Ryukendo is a Japanese series, I’m not entirely sure why people confuse it for being from another country. Anyways i shall answer all your questions here and now: One, will the other characters from Ryukendo show up? Ive been debating on myself on whether or not I should include Ryuguno or Ryujino. I really like those two, but I’m not entirely sure how I’ll be able to integrate them in the story in an organic way without having them be an existing character or an OC character. I didn’t want to use the canon versions of those characters since that series ended with them having to give up their powers. That and if i give these powers to canon characters, I wouldn’t know who to give them to. Also, the Spider anime hasn’t gotten far enough into the story yet to really judge the direction of this story, hence why I’m a bit hesitant to continue this because allot of what I have established here could easily be contradicted or retconned in the show itself. Two, will i use other Obscure tokusatsu shows like Rescue Force, the Star God trilogy, Zone Fighter, etc? A part of me has been wanting to crossover with obscure toku shows that now one has ever heard of, hence why i used Redman last time. As for the other shows, I have been getting ideas on some crossovers, but they’ve mostly been overshadowed by other things I’d want to crossover. Like a part of me kinda wants to put Rescue Force in something like RWBY or Symphogear just for the hell of it, but I doubt I’ll ever actually do that. The Star God trilogy is a franchise i am familiar with, and i would definitely like to crossover at least Grasazer with something because thats my favorite of the trilogy. I really would love to, but i do not see it happening any time soon. As for Zone Fighter, maybe but i dont see it happening in the near future. I definitely would like to use obscure toku characters, but I dont entirely know what to cross them over with or even have a basic idea on what the story should be. As it stands, i’m currently sleeping on other crossovers like Metalder in RWBY, the Gekiranger fanfic, a planned Danganronpa project that I've VERY much been slacking on because I feel as though I may have gotten a bit too ambitious with the idea, as well as continuing Scythe Girl and a Vampire, which i plan on revamping and making some alterations to it as well as posting it on my ArchiveOfOurOwn account. All in all, I want to and i might, but ill have to think about it. As for the final question, which i will not be recapping this time, I might, but i dont plan on doing it. For a few reasons. I mainly prefer to work with either anime, manga, anime style games, and Tokusatsu. Stuff like movies, comics, books, and American games just dont interest me as much. I might have Deadpool and Doom Slayer appear in anime crossovers, but in tokusatsu crossovers? Not so much. Its just not my thing. I much prefer to cross Tokusatsu stuff with anime and games with an anime style. Anything else, no, not really no. Thats all I have to say for now. Again thank you for your kind words, happy early holidays to you as well, stay safe, wash your hands, wear a mask, get vaccinated, and all around take care. |
![]() ![]() Ok now this is an interesting scenario. I'm honestly surprised you did of a fic of Ryukendo one of more obscure or underrated of Tokusatsu...from japan if I remember right...or somewhere else. But still nicely job well done. Same for of using the isekai anime of I'm a spider. Though I never watched the anime much besides of the scenes of the spider character's she hunts down bigger prey. Which strangely enough anime animators seem to make food look more delicious in anime than in real life. But I have questions? One since the odds of this continuing are 50/50 will the other toku heroes of Ryu kendo appear or nah? Two since you done RyuKendo will we see other obscure tokusatsus xovers compared to that of Sentai, rider, Sheriff, Garou, etc... Such as Rescue force series; and the Star god trilogy done by Toho from Gransazer, Justiriser, and Sazer X. Which by the way all 3 series are on yay on that. As that was Toho's attempt to try their own hand of toku heroes besides of Zone fighter in the 70s I think as their own version of Ultraman. And final question is since there will be most likely more tokusatsu xover stories in the future as I'm curious of something. All the stories you've done are of tokusatsu being the isekai into another franchise and genre such as anime, cartoons, games etc. But...has there been any thought of pulling an Isekai of any other non toku franchises going into the Toku verse. Such as say For example...Deadpool getting isekaied into say Super sentai or any other toku franchises being who he is will be a huge wrench in the plot as both heroes and villains will have to deal with a near immortal regenerative man who is so crazy that he 4th wall if any of the food themed monsters are or destroyed his chimichangas they just made an enemy for life. Plus not to mention he may either flirt or insult any of the female characters... Or of hell The Doom Slayer ripping and tearing the villains, monsters, and grunts so much so the villain factions would most likely prefer dealing with the toku heroes instead of the Unchained predator that is the Slayer himself. That's just what I'm curious about since you do tokusatsu isekai into other franchises what are the odds of you pulling a reverse or isekai into tokusatsu. Good luck on the next chapter and hope it comes soon. Stay safe and healthy. Also happy holidays belated or early. |