Reviews for Galactic Wizardry
Immaterium chapter 10 . 1/5
Back up Temple - smart idea. Looks like "harem" is about to gain another member :-)
Immaterium chapter 8 . 1/5
Quite marvellous lightsaber - nice. I like that so far Harry is not super OP, that would be boring
Immaterium chapter 3 . 1/5
Well it starts to look interesting...
jake141 chapter 28 . 1/4
when is the next chapter coming out?
healeroffates chapter 28 . 12/4/2024
Keep up the great work :D
Declan chapter 28 . 11/29/2024
Great chapter! So happy to see this story updated, cannot wait for more!
Brikas2 chapter 28 . 11/25/2024
Thank you for updating this story! I like all of your stories, but this one is my favourite!
smithpj chapter 28 . 11/24/2024
Nice more please
thatcher577 chapter 28 . 11/23/2024
I thank you for the chapter.
Ronin Kenshin chapter 28 . 11/22/2024
glad your still working on this good work
Mr.BrownOptometrist chapter 28 . 11/22/2024
Thank you for the great chapter, and keep up the awesome work
gwb620 chapter 28 . 11/21/2024
Excellent chapter
Ariadne Venegas chapter 28 . 11/21/2024
Wow that’s must hurt!

And yes I think he needs back up. Also he needs to help the poor people that lice of selling water, giving them back part at least of what they payed to Jabba tugs would be awesome so they can survive. The guy who won’t marry Shimmy now deserves to survive he was a good guy.
Admiral Ackbar chapter 28 . 11/21/2024
Holy Shit! It’s Alive! I’m glad to see a chapter of this.
Kairan1979 chapter 28 . 11/21/2024
Let's hope the results of his anti-Hutt operation will teach him to be more careful.
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