Reviews for In an Ocean of Stars
kingxsam18 chapter 23 . 3/18/2024
Personally i love long chapters it makes waiting for the next one easier i tend to spread my resding out, i read for maybe 10-15 minutes at a time kids will do that. But keep up the great work the imagination tou have is what makes this story great
Guest chapter 23 . 3/14/2024
long chapters are cool, but they take too long to come out...
optimus-maximus001 chapter 23 . 3/9/2024
Longer chapters mean more to read while waiting for uploads, so bigger is better
Mist chapter 12 . 3/8/2024
Why don't you try adding a bit of New York slang to Percy's speech? It sounds more like Percy is unable to speak normally. It's just a suggestion, don't take it too seriously, because it's just a minor detail, but I'm a firm believer of: 'Details make the difference.'. Maybe add that?
Ali3317 chapter 23 . 3/9/2024
Referring to your Authors note, In my opinion, I prefer longer chapters.
Ali3317 chapter 23 . 3/9/2024
Brilliant chapter! Looking forward to more.
RatedOverr chapter 15 . 3/6/2024
Is this story going to have a happy ending for Percy and Artemis. I really don’t like stories with sad endings (e.g. Percy dying) so if you are fine with spoiling it would be great to know in advance!
Lewsx chapter 23 . 3/6/2024
Perhaps the best Pertemis stories I have stumbled upon! No odd guardian, hunters torturing or anything silly like that happening! And Percy just being himself, and not loosing his backbone (Other than towards certain moon goddess) is a really good thing to read about. Can't wait for more!
ayden762 chapter 3 . 3/6/2024
Hes way to loyal. it just makes him look like a complete fool.
Turtle chapter 23 . 3/5/2024
Overprotective sweet Artemis:
Funny nice hunters:
Goated Titian’s :
Big daddy Poseidon appearance:
Funny scared cute lil Percy:
Hilarious Diana: (dam Percy gonna get a beating )

Honestly what could possibly top this off even more? The only thing I could think of is making sure we see Diana and Artemis verbally abuse Percy for not wearing their gift in the next chapter. Maybe the hunters and Percy hanging out again? Honestly this is just too good
storyreader24pj chapter 23 . 3/4/2024
pls update
Guest chapter 23 . 3/4/2024
Just release the chapters a bit faster
Immaterium chapter 23 . 3/4/2024
Despite all his experiences Percy still remains at least a little bit "a seaweed brain" :)
I enjoyed more Pertemis.
Poseidon - nice dramatic entrance :-D
Diana - I would feel a bit sorry for Percy, however he needs to get a little more selfpreservation beeten into his head.
When it comes to long chapters - I am glad for whatever update you have, however I personally would prefer shorter chapters more often
Brett chapter 23 . 3/2/2024
Fantastic chapter. Love the build up of percy and artemis/diana. And as far as the long chapters, I love them. Keep them long in my opinion. And keep up the great work. Cannot wait for the next installment.
HellRaiderS chapter 23 . 3/2/2024
Loved it perfect chapter keep the updates coming
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