Reviews for In an Ocean of Stars
Guest chapter 25 . 9/14/2024
Hey Author! I’m glad you posted another chapter. It was very delightful! I hope you are feeling better and make sure you take care of yourself foremost. I hope you have a good one and I can’t wait for the next chapter!
Ardwyr chapter 25 . 9/16/2024
Absolutely fantastic chapter. Great work yet again. Looking forward to the next one!
Also I wish you the best on your mental health! Everyone deserves to be happy.
Gold Testament chapter 25 . 9/15/2024
Okay the part about Artemis telling Nico that he looks frail and needs to eat more, I was busting a gut on that callback from Chapter 3. Specially when Nico mentioned it. I teared up about Annabeth though. She deserves happiness after what Zeus and Athena caused.
donfuungames chapter 25 . 9/14/2024
Чуваааак, как я давно ждал продолжения, ты даже не представляешь, вообще, у тебя один из уникальных фанфиков , говорю как человек, который перечитал почти все фанфики про Перси и Артемида тут, в архиве и в российском фикбуке, во первых у тебя активную роль принимает Диана, что я почти нигде не видел. Очень жду продолжения
chaosmaker55 chapter 25 . 9/13/2024
W chapter
Senkulover chapter 11 . 9/13/2024
You spelled immortal as immoral a few times in the middle but otherwise it was very good.
donfuungames chapter 1 . 9/12/2024
Блин, перечитываю эту историю чтобы обновить память и понял какой Артемида было подлой, обрекая по сути Перси на вечную жизнь без любви, но учитывая что это работает про них двоих, такого не будет, они будут жить долго и счастливо)
FanFictionman43 chapter 25 . 9/12/2024
Always looking forward to more. Gem of a story.
Nerds4506 chapter 25 . 9/11/2024
NobodyHimOrMe chapter 25 . 9/11/2024
Great to know you're back and doing better.
Chapter was a heart wrencher, glad P&A got something approaching closure, hope you built on that in future. Have enjoyed the other sections and rhe relationships developing. Hope you continue to write as its certainly a joy to read.
ReyneWriter chapter 25 . 9/10/2024
Im happy you took some time for yourself to get a better headspace, this chapter was great like many before and many to come! keep up the great work!
jujp chapter 25 . 9/10/2024
Awesome chapter. Percabeth was quite sad, but I like the way it was handled with grace rather than villainising or killing someone off. Nice to see Percy growing more of a backbone, hope to see more of it. Story's going great, really enjoying the plot and character development. Thank you, glad you're doing better. Good luck
Shadowdog11 chapter 25 . 9/10/2024
Glad to hear you’re feeling better. I go to reading for distractions so I’m selfishly glad you’re back :D
Spacewolfspqr chapter 25 . 9/10/2024
Hey man, take as much time as you need cuz it always happens to the best of us. Glad to see you're back o7
AmWRAZ chapter 25 . 9/10/2024
Thank you for the update. Was aftaid of losing a masterpiece in making. Fanfic usually do that to me. Your story is still as epic as ever. Thank you
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