Reviews for In an Ocean of Stars
Guest chapter 25 . 9/9/2024
I love it. You have somehow captured the essence of the story in your fanfic.
TriainaMoon chapter 25 . 9/9/2024
That some big relationship progress for them. Artemis admitting things, being jealous, and proclaiming that she deeply trust and care for him as well as her embarrassment when doing PDA.
Was surprised and shocked that Hera didn’t announce the wedding date during her relationship inspection.
The camp visit was hard for him the it came to Annabeth but enjoyed seeing his friends and gave them hope.
Now for Artemis shocking request of a date ive go a couple of suggestions first going to a waterpark then romantic dinner or for safety explore Olympus and romantic dinner. On Olympus they could run into other gods like confronting Athena, get romantic gifts/tips like flowers from Demeter, see Diana buying more sexy outfits.
looking forward to meeting Helios. Also think Atlantis will be fun and drama as I see Percy saving Artemis from a jealous Triton.
PS I understand your absence ive also been in low spirits since I lost my brother so good luck & god speed.
Ignatius B. Samson chapter 25 . 9/9/2024
Good chapter! Been following this story for a while now and I definitely like where it's going :) also take care bukaroo
Guest chapter 25 . 9/8/2024
I'm glad you're feeling better. Great chapter and I can't wait to read the next one. This is one of the best fanfics I've read.
Guest chapter 25 . 9/8/2024
LESS FREAKING GOOO! Glad to hear that your back!
Yotsuba Tatsuya chapter 25 . 9/9/2024
Finally, Percy and Artemis relationship is now on the right track. I'm sorry for what happen to you but I'm happy that you are at w better headspace now. Wishing you all the best, man.
HellRaiderS chapter 25 . 9/9/2024
Loved it perfect chapter keep the updates coming
chriskidd2001 chapter 25 . 9/9/2024
Glad to have you back in a better head space to see Artemis so open to let her feelings out for Percy was nice poor Annabeth it hurts to see her sad and heartbroken
Payton cepeda chapter 25 . 9/8/2024
Sorry for you being in a bad mental state you are a good writer please keep it up and things look brighter for you
RuRuRuntsfam chapter 25 . 9/8/2024
Hera continues to be unlikable, Mr. Dinosaur was a hilarious jab, and Percy was so close to kissing Artemis without even knowing it. Hes almost too clueless, but it still works for the slow burn.
Even though this chapter was 18k words, I’m greedy and want more, and I can’t deny it
Garfungo chapter 25 . 9/8/2024
Glad youre back in a better headspace. I was expecting more with the Annabeth and Percy scene, but thinking about it, it was pretty realistic and covered what needed to be said. Im hoping to see a kiss and an admission of love soon. I’m also hoping for another update soon and for you to conquer what is plaguing your mental health. God speed 3
devinokboy chapter 2 . 9/8/2024
Heras a massive cunt
devinokboy chapter 1 . 9/8/2024
This is all kinds of fucked up
nasapeepolover116 chapter 25 . 9/8/2024
I've said this before, but artimis has golden blood therefore her blush would be golden We have red blood, which is why our blush is red
fullstacknaruto chapter 25 . 9/8/2024
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