Reviews for Arc Royale
Mark123100 chapter 18 . 12/7
You claim to not be a fan of autobiographical celebrity culture, but you always take the time to talk about your views and your family and your life and even your pet peeves in your notes, without fail. It's... odd.
Mark123100 chapter 14 . 12/7
Narcissistic? Your brother's probably just in awe of your amazing author skills...
Mark123100 chapter 13 . 12/7
Why ask about stuff in the author's notes when you wrote the story in the first place?
Mark123100 chapter 11 . 12/7
Your author notes aren't very compelling.
Mark123100 chapter 3 . 12/7
Mark123100 chapter 2 . 12/7
You missed a great opportunity to have someone punch Fate in the face.
Mark123100 chapter 1 . 12/7
In hindsight, Fate was a capital Ain this story and his original story. It's a wonder that he got so much narrative focus here, that the others characters and Jaunes would put up with his tude. You really have a thing for favoring the angsty, sarcastic ones...
Uraharaisgod chapter 41 . 12/6
Great story, was kind of hoping we'd get to see if Grimm/Sheep's final message had any effect on Salem, if combined with her now mortality she might have changed, but I guess not.
LeonidasTheAverage chapter 22 . 11/22
looking back now, I wonder how the Ozpin-Jaune would've held up.
Guest chapter 33 . 11/14
Of course he would.
FatedWait chapter 41 . 11/3
It was a great work. It's been a long time since I could continue. But, having started all over again, he finished it in a couple of days. Thank you for all your work.

Это была отличная работа. Давным давно не смог продолжить. Но, начав все сначала, закончил за пару дней. Спасибо за весь ваш труд.
lycanoda chapter 41 . 10/23
Like most of your stories this is a fantastic read. It pulls you in. I literally started reading this today and I read the entirety of it. your character work is fantastic, your pacing as well amazing. the one thing I wish I could’ve seen would have been Salem’s reaction to sheep/Grimm body being delivered to her and the Salem of the story knowing without question someone was loyal, and someone loved amazing work please keep going.
guest chapter 41 . 7/20
Lame ending, but it's literally impossible to not be lame without entirely removing gods' nonsense from this setting. At least the battle royale until that was pretty cool. This deserves a 7/10, author.
guest chapter 30 . 7/20
It's less ludicrous bullshit than the Worm version of this whole thing.
It's quite clear chapter 41 . 5/13
Jaune aubergined Blake.
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