Reviews for Arch Mage, the Path of Magic
Guest chapter 27 . 8/11
Awesome, looking forward to more.
Bbertie3 chapter 27 . 8/11
HI, really love this story just nitpicking a bit, during the scene in Rosmerta's, you said 'pint of fire whiskey' whiskey is not served in pints, it would make more sense if it was a pint of something else or a glass of fire whiskey
jacobblaine01 chapter 27 . 8/10
I didnt realoze i was so behind. I was on chapter 23, now im caught up and stuck in anticipation of the coming chapters. I highly doubt 4th year will go the way it did in canon, what with his mage sight and understanding of magic
Agent Frank chapter 27 . 8/10
This is a pretty good story. I thought I wouldn't enjoy it because of how OP Harry is but I actually really liked it. I like how you've made magic the focus and you're actually taking the time to go in depth on how he does what he does.
WhiteElfElder chapter 27 . 8/9
Harry, rediscovering the lost arts will elevate him far and fast.
AnimeFan13579 chapter 27 . 8/9
Oh dear Hermione had a dirty thought of Professor Potter needing to see her after class. She probably needs to be punished for failing to get an O on her last test.
dan.lew.upg chapter 27 . 8/9
cant wait for more
fallendemon248 chapter 27 . 8/9
Professor please this is wrong
Shhhh teachers always know best Ms. Granger...

I can't wait for Harry to Learn about tonks transfiguration and for him to go visit fleur again.
Power of Magic chapter 27 . 8/8
Well, I wonder if Fleur and Harry have more or less started developing feelings for each other and it'll be interesting if Fleur's mother will find out about the gift Harry gave Fleur. Looks like Tonks was finally able to use magic like she wanted and I can imagine the teasing Harry's gonna give her. I'm sure that Harry's pills will be a big hit, and it looks like Hermione has feelings for Harry. Lets hope that Harry and his friends and family have a good summer break, as I'm sure that things won't be as peaceful next summer
Rebell 01 chapter 27 . 8/8
Nice creation.
Andrew Lee Houghton chapter 20 . 8/8
why not cure the longbottoms et
gwb620 chapter 27 . 8/8
Excellent chapter!
mike3308 chapter 27 . 8/8
Im glad that Harry had such a busy end of third year. It will lead to a good summer with Sirius.
Yugi the Godfather of Games chapter 27 . 8/8
If Harry did go for being a DADA assistant in the 5th year I could just the amount of torment Harry & Umibridge would do to each other with Harry teaches the classes whatever he wanted or what he picked up at the Dueling contests & even bringing around a ICW approved text book when Umibridge tries to teach from her Minstery approved text book along with him keeping his Masterty on hand when Umibridge says he is wrong & him asking to c her Masterty so they could compare notes. Thinking of the things he would do to Umibridge when a she tried to assign him or his group detention & she used the Blood Quill just makes it more hilarious
ElementalMaster16 chapter 27 . 8/8
Awesome chapter! I'm amazed no one noticed harry was gone.
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