Reviews for Boys' Night Out
Jenn Deering chapter 1 . 4/9/2012
WRITE MORE! Promises were made. You are obviously a gifted writer, so make use of your gift. Pretty please?
Autumnwriting chapter 1 . 8/18/2010
Ooh, I like this. Please, ma'am, might I have some more?

alexlyoko13 chapter 1 . 7/3/2010
I love it, There needs to be a chapter 2
EsotericGhost chapter 1 . 4/13/2010
keep writing.
Genim Stilinski chapter 1 . 7/4/2009
I liked this story, and would much appreciate it if you added more!
koriathain chapter 1 . 4/4/2009
This is a brilliant story - I first found it years ago and have been hoping for it to be continued ever since, every now and then I will search for it in the hope that it’s been updated.

I love the icheb/Qjr pairing and live in hope that more of it will be written (even though it was all based on one episode). I love the way you’ve written the characters here and the idea of Icheb travelling around Earth’s past with Qjr is great!

Is there any chance that you would consider writing more?
anon chapter 1 . 7/16/2008
please finish this story! you were doing great so far... :(
to chapter 1 . 3/12/2008
I beg you, this fic looks like it is going many hot, sticky places and I want to see it. I've checked the reviews, I'm not the only person begging for this story to be resumed. PLEASE, Please, continue!
JTS chapter 1 . 3/12/2008
This looks very good, how come this story hasnt been continued, I always felt there was room for more Q jr/Icheb stories and development. Please, if possible, continue this story.
The Sylver Lining chapter 1 . 10/19/2007
Oh, man. Four years is way too long to hope this'll be continued - but that's never stopped me before.

HOLY DAMN, you made me laugh more in the past ten minutes than I have all WEEK, I think! xD This is absolutely brilliant, a work of genius - are you sure YOU'RE not omnipotent? You certainly seem to be in my head! This is the only Q-Ball/Itchy (YES! BEST NICKNAMES EVAR!) fic I've EVER found, so while it's automatically the best, I'm certain it would keep that vaunted position even if I found a million more.

Q's rewrite of the Starfleet Regulations ALONE was enough to make me press that all-powerful lavender button. xD The rest could have been you randomly slamming your various appendages down on the keyboard, you still would've gotten a fave JUST FOR THAT.
waterfaerie124 chapter 1 . 8/23/2007
(gives you a thumbs up) -w-
Keiko Yuki chapter 1 . 5/17/2007
OMG I didn't think that this pairing would be here! This is a great start, but you haven't updated since 2003? What is up with that? I think this means it was dropped, huh? Let me know if the rest is posted somewhere else, please! I'd love to know how it ended!
Xixie chapter 1 . 1/23/2007
I would very much like for you to finish this please. I believe that you and I, and like four other people, are the only Icheb/Q2 people on the planet. So we have to stick together. So please finish the story. I will provide with something useful. Like a story of your choosing. How does that sound? Let me know.
Alania Black chapter 1 . 6/15/2005
Here's a question. Why, oh why, would you write the first chapter of a fic that promises hilarity, mind blowing sun-sex, fun all the way, AND an unusual pairing -

And then not bother to finish it.

Are you evil? I WILL tell Q that you're depriving him of Itchy-sex (hehehe, Itchy sex...)!

Basically, finish this! Please!

I loved the re-write! There's even hints of good sex stuff in there, too!


Love Chibi AlaniaX
Knight Vigilant Koren chapter 1 . 4/26/2005
Two years. Have you forgotten that you wrote this, got a very bad case of writers block or just given up (DON'T HAVE GIVEN UP!)
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