Reviews for Mystique Soldier
Jimhh chapter 25 . 12/15/2024
Ok I don't know if you will read this but I really enjoyed your story so far.
I do think you have Harry as a no m orals horny ass, that could potentially ruin the story, I hope not but it's one of the better crossover pics out there, I do hope you continue with it..
Alan eake chapter 25 . 12/14/2024
Damn this is the most disgusting Harry Potter fanfic I've ever read, I'm liking the world building but the whorish interaction of the females character and the incestuous feeling of female relatives to Harry is really cringe, can't believe you're turning the women here into sluts and I'm pretty it will be an NtR theme here in the future
Joko Gutman chapter 3 . 11/29/2024
You have a very interesting story here.. i dont mind fast phase sometimes it’s preferable at this stage so a bit of time skip is also welcome up to his teen years. But please no incest.. by the way thank you for sharing this story
DarkRavie chapter 25 . 11/13/2024
I really like this story. It's an excellent read and I look forward to reading what happens in your next chapter.
B0OKW0RM chapter 25 . 11/8/2024
AN: I'll try to be more consistent
Checks last Update, 11 months ago
Reader20448 chapter 25 . 10/9/2024
Binged this all and have to say, pretty good too
BeyondTheDive chapter 25 . 10/6/2024
Extremely interesting story! Hope you update soon :D
Guest chapter 13 . 9/21/2024
Harry really can't be disappointed with Rose being in slytherin, should've let the hat sort him. You take Harry's obsession with freedom too far to the point where he wouldn't even trust an expert in their field of study whish is just ridiculous
Maverick123214685 chapter 25 . 9/18/2024
Please update soon! They don’t really need the red sand. Harry’s pheremones would do the trick, and since the indoctrination is pheremone basded; then simply giving them a dead cleaning should do the trick.
Maverick123214685 chapter 21 . 9/18/2024
I don’t like this dungeon idea. The gamer is one thing, but it should at least stick to a story. Adding side quests which are complete steps out of reality, destroys the fic
Maverick123214685 chapter 2 . 9/18/2024
Huh, I expected harry to do the standard: kneeling, hands behind head, surrounded by swarm of shield agents. Not, run off.
kenbre chapter 25 . 9/17/2024
Really awesome fic can't wait for more
Hunriho chapter 25 . 9/17/2024
Looking forward to the next chapter! Really enjoying this story
Batmanwolf738 chapter 5 . 9/3/2024
I think you got it wrong with the money since he wouldn't get paid $960 a day or $30K a month since that would mean he is being paid to work 24/7 7 days a week which is unlikely.
Dominator1214 chapter 12 . 8/21/2024
his tein is annoying af imo.
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